Earth without Art is just "eh?"

Hi Sis, are you having a great time in London? I think animals just splodge paint, like famous artists that I don't like. Gabi does better.

@ Carol Ann

" Lo Art ( evil ) Tag Peace" ... I think.

where's that 'horse' pic you published?

@ Carol Ann

Is it, would you say 'arty' where you live in Spain?

Well thank you Dawn. Very astute observations, hope I haven't started an argument in the household. I'll have to give that all some thought, and perhaps discuss it with your sister, if she ever wakes up. lol

I think animals must love art otherwise we would live in a grey world. Colour is one of the things that make the world so beautiful and animals add loads of colour.
Keith reckons that animals don’t love art as they use their starling colours and displays for a purpose where as true art serves no purpose and is there to be admired. There you go two different views.

A GReAT place to live, is that some sort of anagram?

what lovely and positive sentiments Carol Ann. Thanks. ( all quiet on the 'you know what' front? )

However we look at it, there is art everywhere the wind makes art with the clouds, as so do the leaves on the trees as they fall, sit and watch one as it dances its way to the ground in the rich colours of Autumn. Do animals appreciate art, they do, the animals love colour they blend colours together. Over all the Earth has art at it very heart, its truly is A Great Place to Live.

hey, great stuff, here's a new one from one of our Swedish viewers, FARTLEK ( speed game ) which when ART is taken away leaves ...wait for it FLEK which means to sprINKle with colour. How about that!!! Big thanks to Sven there.

anyway, I said to Michelle, look the tele's on the blink, let's y'know, stay up all night and play games...Yea, all we had to do was think of words containing the word "ART" which if removed would mean something else.... it's such fun. She did drop off though.

pARTy in the Sky... without ART, is simply PY IN THE SKY ( OK fair doos, I'm clutching at straws here )

this is one of the best posts I've seen since the one on the left, which kept out Villa's last goal attempt. RED Army!

how about..." Fancy a game of dARTs?" huh. geddit?

OK. I'm going through the dictionary:

cARThorse without ART is Chorse

snot easy this Stu...wish I'd set something simpler.

Oh yes.. another SmART *rse answer to be relished from StuART

tARTar sauce.