Earthquakes in France - Again!

Didn’t feel a thing

Another Brexit effect, the gods are clearly unhappy.

Did you all not know that the west was much more prone to earthquakes before you bought?

Nope … Jane… never gave it a thought. France (to us) was relaxation, sunshine and good food… :hugs: (not a bad summary for a holiday home).

and… we’ve been here for years with never a murmur (or quiver)… but there is definitely something going on now… much, much more than before… :shushing_face:

But, whatever… nothing will budge me now… :laughing::laughing::upside_down_face:

Actually, Jane… earthquakes are not confined to the West… quite an eye-opener to check out the various earthquake webpages…

My husband felt the house move on 20th March but I was in the Charente at the time, he said it felt like the whole house lifted and went down again. I havent felt anything at all.

I’ve just been reading more info…

It appears that the 2 earthquakes 20th March and today… have occurred in a zone considered one of the “least-prone to earthquakes” in France… since the last exceptional happening was in 1759…

Thus, I would hardly call this particular area “Earthquake-prone” … phew… makes me feel much better… :hugs:

I’m just hoping that the earth keeps moving for me for a few more years​:grin::grin:

Yes I know that.
There is a map showing the most affected areas.
Soutgern Burgundy is not one, thank goodness.

There were earthquakes all the time around Monaco where my great-grandmother lived, I was sent to stay with her regularly, for ages, when I was a child and I remember being woken up by them fairly regularly.

That must have been frightening when you were young.

Possibly, the first time. After that you get used to seeing your bedside lamp dancing about etc etc
It is an active area, on the map the stars represent the epicentres of earthquakes of magnitude 2 or more just this year

On the rumble again… this morning

Felt and heard that one, I nearly spilt my coffee!!

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And this is why.