EHIC card and NHS 'cover'

If you are resident in France and are traveling “abroad” it might be wise to see just what your EHIC will entitle you to in those other countries… and then take out Travel Insurance accordingly (or not) … as you deem fit. (mutuelles might cover foreign travel, no idea)

The french government site:

  • Si vous comptez vous installer en France, après la période de transition, votre permis de conduire britannique est reconnu sur le territoire français pendant le délai d’un an, mais vous devrez en solliciter l’échange dans ce délai

absolutely… for those who reckon on installing themselves in France, after the period of transition…

for those who are already here… it’s slightly different…

Not sure who that was addressed to?? If my reply then the french gov site is making clear that after transition, ie 31/12, then you have a year to apply for a french licence. This applies to everyone no matter how long you have been resident.

Hi Jane… I was answering this…

“If you plan to move to France, after the transition period, your British driving license will be recognized on French territory for the period of one year, but you will have to request the exchange within this period”

Look at where the commas are Stella. I don’t think it’s “if you plan to settle here after the transition period”, but if you plan to settle here, (then) after the transition period you will bave a year.

I have read this elsewhere too.

seems that we can read and re-read and it will still be open for discussion…

Folk who are coming after 31.12.20 will be coming after the transition period… surely ???

doesn’t transition end on 31/12/20…

it’s been a long day and I might be losing the plot…

I’ve also read (elsewhere) that those of us already here will have at least 1 year’s grace and perhaps even longer, depending on the fr gov decisions made nearer the time

British Embassy

Probably we both are!! I have just pasted the text from brexit pages and it seems clear there that is there is a deal then no matter when you arrive you have a year to change permits.

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eats shoots and leaves!
I’m with JJ on this. ie after the tp, you will be required bla bla bla. Not that if you settle after the tp :wink:
So, for the avoidance of doubt, if you are settled here before the tp with a UK licence you will be required to exchange it to a French one within a year after the tp and the same will apply if you arrive after the tp.
Brexit means Brexit! Third Country nationals require a French permis or to take a French test if they exceed the limitations provided by the WA.
We got ours done yonks ago when we moved here with the intention of staying :wink:

blimey you’re all confusing me even more!
I think I need to start at the beginning and get a definition of ‘transition period’ and ‘withdrawal agreement’ now…
I think Brexit means that the politicians can spout even more nonsense than they normally do, sigh :sob:

relax… re Driving L… towards the middle of next year things will be clearer. :thinking: :roll_eyes: :rofl: :rofl:

honestly… there is no need to do anything right now…

except contact CPAM and get into the health system…

it’s easy… the tp is provided within the WA :wink:
Nigel Hawthorn eat your heart out :grin:

ok source for this is
but we shouldn’t be talking about driving licences in this thread! goes off to cry again… :crazy_face:

ha ha… nothing like a bit of topic drift and you started it…

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To be honest Stella I think we are providing amusement for someone’s dull afternoon


yep… I’m sitting by OH’s sickbed… so it’s keeping my mind from worrying about other things.


haha, I’m actually trying to get some concrete facts!
it’s obvious that the driving licence thing is clear as mud and it looks like ‘medical insurance’ is too! I have travelled extensively I can assure you that there have been times when my very expensive, ‘fully comprehensive insurance policy’ has been as useful as a politician trying to negotiate ‘post transition period trade deal’ or whatever the hell it is these lunatics are trying to negotiate!
To be perfectly honest I couldn’t give a monkies about having ‘medical cover’ but it appears a prereq for being accepted into the EU…or should that be the ED? aka European Disunion

Then as I have said elsewhere go to a proper source of information,don’t rely on an Internet forum

I concur! Which is why I like to back up statements with facts!..the problem we have nowadays is the propaganda wagon is in full swing! WWIII is about to break out at the border from the sounds of it…the Brits say one thing, Les Francais dit l’autre…the BBC constantly stir up a load of BS. Then the loons think facebook tells the truth all the time :rofl:
Oh I give up, bye