End the Cage Age: ban cages for all farmed animals

Another petition for you. I know this is in the UK and not in France but please sign if you can.




Thanks Theresa.

I’m ashamed to say I like meat too much to give it up altogether but I will only eat free-range. This limits my choice but I prefer it that way and now eat less.


I actually bought some lamb today for Easter and feel really guilty. If my husband stopped eating meat I could possibly become veggie, we do eat a lot less meat than we used to though.


I have no qualms with buying meat/poultry when I know its provenance… I see the lambs, the calves etc etc… in the fields… pigs-in-space snuffling and rooting under the trees…

It’s true that we eat less meat than we did in UK… but that is because I have time to shop carefully/thoughtfully … rather than just the supermarket dash on the way home from work for so many years in UK…

There is a price to pay for product that is not “mass-produced in the cheapest way possible”… it costs more, so we eat a little less… although I love buying the right products at “special offer time” and filling the freezer… then we can splash out later in the year…

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signed… :slight_smile: 87,359 signatures so far…

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Done, 87527

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I’m so pleased people are signing this. If it gets to 100,000 then, of course, it will be debated in Parliament. Finger’s crossed.

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Signed, 87857



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Signed …

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Signed ( a while ago) - I have been veggie now for 37 years - and yes I still miss meat sometimes!

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Signed, 89291

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Eat less meat and only buy free range from local animal friendly farmers!


Signed, now well into the 91,000s :+1:

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*Near where I live in Sud Vendee is a pig farmer who has hundreds of pigs, but they never see grass or any sunlight. I tried talking to him and asked why they were not outside and he replied that the local terrain is not suitable for them !! I have to say that since then I have not eaten pork, and even if one passes the place in the car the stench is terrible. It makes me so sad when I consider how these poor animals are reared. I have signed the petition, and received e-mao; acknowledgment.

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