Energy prices well and truly on the up!

At €2 / litre for diesel today, I’ll accept any bungs going😉


From 2447 yesterday to 2 691,00 € today!

Volume :1500 litres

Produit :Fioul de qualité supérieure

Total TTC :2 691,00 €

Who cares about the UK government awful snout-in-trough profiteers bumsucking to their Russian oligarch paymasters, this is our government here in France and people can do as they please with their eyebrows.


Shall I try again? If a government offered its citizens a cash payment a few months before an election, I think most reasonable people would raise an eyebrow.

It is always before an election of one sort or another. Is it better not to give citizens anything at all? If not now, when? Now is when they need it after all, election or no election.
The people who won’t vote for the current lot won’t change their minds because of a cash payment. Should governments cut benefits before an election, then?
Damned if they do, damned if they don’t.


Surely the real problem is the capitalist system that allows vendors to increase prices just because there might be a supply problem.
Is there an actual shortage of fuel I wonder ? Seems to be plenty at our local supermarket. There are long queues, but there is no shortage as such.
So anyway, would we accept being charged €5 for a baguette just because it is one of the last few that they have available to sell today ?

Also, let us not lose sight of the 20% TVA that is charged on petrol and diesel. As the pump price doubles or triples, then so do the governments TVA receipts. Has anyone noticed any reports of the TVA on fuel being reduced ? I mean, 10% of €2 is the same amount as 20% of €1 is it not ?

Let’s face it. We are engaging in economic and political warfare with Russia. So how about a few wartime measures such as capping the price of essential commodities. The alternative is just to sit back and allow the shareholders of petro-chemical companies to wildly increase their fortunes.

Perhaps it is time we all put on our Gilets Jaunes !

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I’m afraid it looks like a bribe. Perhaps there isn’t the same level of cynicism of politicians in France as in the UK, although my friends in Bretagne seem to share mine.

Vero has a point, in a country where elections are fixed by law in advance, UK is different, and a similar offering from a government which then decides to go to the polls would be suspicious.

My local Auchan has had diesel at €1.78 for some weeks, but last week I had to stray a bit further and saw an Inter at €1.73, so stopped and topped up. So glad that I did, the local was up to €2.12 yesterday.

I am willing and prepared to accept the cost of sanctions in this best of all causes, but, as my weekly shop yesterday was less then usual (lots of single fruit and veg with my sticker on them :rofl:) I was surprised when the cashier said €60. I try very hard to keep below €50 so as not to have to touch the ‘filthy’ buttons :roll_eyes:. When I got home I saw the dozy so and so had charged me for 4 bags of croquettes instead of 1, so I hot footed it back and at the same time realised that I had anyway bought the wrong ones, Balance instead of Active, same price, so they refunded the €20 odd cash and then charged me for the right bag. Back home I realised that the price had gone up by €0.05 while all this was going on. Added to the return cost in the car €1.60, a not altogether happy visit on the whole. :rofl:

So you think it’s better not to give anyone a rebate? We aren’t any more stupid than e.g. you and your friends are. How very naive to think we aren’t cynical about politicians.
What I find surprising is
a) that you should object to something which makes a difficult situation a little easier and
b) that you imagine it (regardless of other factors) will make anyone vote for Macron who wasn’t already going to.


Filled up with diesel yesterday in Tesco. Oddly the price was the same as the week before at £1.56 per litre. :slightly_smiling_face:

Maybe not everyone is gouging.

But they would honour such promises. I think we all know a government who most likely wouldn’t.


When I got too old for all the work involved and fed up with the quality of the wood we switched to artificial logs. Slightly more expensive, but just fetch them on a trailer (12km each way) and stack the packs, all identical and plastic wrapped. Just chuck on a log sometimes for a bit of flame. Really good heat, very little ash (empty tray ~4x over winter) and chimney stays clean.

That raises a question; if a chimney cleaner comes and decides nothing needs to be done, do you still get a certificate?

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Wouldn’t it be great if Macron cut the taxes he added a couple of years or so ago to encourage a so called move away from fossil fuels - I think now would certainly be the time to do that. Last time I made a trip down to Spain I couldn’t believe how cheap the fuel was - I questioned myself as to whether we were actually comparing like for like! The car still ran well so my conclusion was that it was like for like :smiley:

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I received a nice e-mail from EDF today informing me that the price rise for electricity as of Feb 1st has been capped at 4%. They then go on to give advice as to how to reduce consumption.

I hope that more people will take advantage of the ‘Heures Creuse’ night time tarif and its discounted price. Not only is there a substantially reduced price for the consumer during the night hours, but it also helps to spread the load on the available generation capacity over the full 24hrs of the day.
Looking to the future, if Putin turns off the gas supply, much of which is used to generate electricity, then France will need to help out other EU countries by supplying its nuclear generated power. Anything we can do to reduce peak time load on the electricity generation capability is a good way of preparing for future more difficult times.
Therefore, I urge everyone to use timers and ‘delay start’ facilities to only use such things as dishwashers, washing machines, tumble dryers, and water heaters between the hours of 11.30pm and 7.30am. If possible, try to arrange it so that the machines start at around 4am which is when national demand for electricity is at its lowest.
Effectively, this is in fact one way in which we can all fight back against Putin’s threats.

Diesel at 2,20€ at one place (leclerc) in Bergerac today.

I know that the petrol/diesel prices drew gasps of horror as we whipped past the local outlets yesterday… although I think it’s going to be cheaper at Leclerc today… or have I been dreaming?

Gone are the days when France used to be good value for fuel. :stuck_out_tongue:

A trip from UK down to Andorra… was always worthwhile… :slight_smile:


From Monday things might/should be a little easier… at Leclerc.