Escape to the Chateau review: an inspiring fairytale about crumbling walls

1000€ isn’t going to get a new roof - it might just be enough to patch the worst bits of the old one though.

I have a friend who is a roofer…he likes our cooking!

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Is it because he uses your flatbreads as tiles?:thinking:

Sorry that this is a bit left field - a comment of Bill’s on another topic reminded me of a thought that I had while watching one episode.

If the two brothers had a problem with sangliers, why not just invite the local chasse in. Gets rid of the boars and engenders ties with the local community to boot.

I suspect the answer might be that they wanted to solve the problem without the poor things ending up on a plate but I wondered what the panel thought.

I share your thoughts.

From experience in Portugal, they are VERY good eating, never been lucky enough to be offered a bit here, regular item on the menu there, where they are regarded as a ‘plague’. :slightly_smiling_face:

Tim what are you talking about!
have you ever seen a roof tile?

We had to do a huge amount of work, but we have a modern house, light and warm and a super gite . It was the view that got us.

Don’t your local chasse have repas de chasse open to all? Round here we have loads of such events. Usually costs around 20 euros with several courses including sanglier.

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Yes they do David, but though I would enjoy a bit of wild pig, I would enjoy it more, in company of my choosing :slightly_smiling_face:

So, in the end it was just a few dislodged tiles - barely seems worth 1000 quid

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You may be missing out on a bit of fun Bill. :relaxed:

We’ve been to chasse meals… some, where we don’t know a soul… and have always been made very welcome.

These functions have a wonderful atmosphere… and the ladies take great pains to share their recipes with me (once they realize I am interested).

We aren’t that sociable Stella, and Babeth is a V good cook :yum:, we enjoy local outdoor events. :+1:

We’re all different, Bill.

We started going in an effort to meet and mix… get-to-know folk from our commune and further afield.

At heart, I am extremely shy but fight to hide it… :hugs: and I seem to be winning…:relaxed:

I think it was a bit more than that Paul. Didn’t they have to glue the unders to stop them slipping down and would you walk on a fragile roof like that for less money?

Fair point - you might have to give me a grand to get me up on the roof in the first place but I think, given the weight of the tiles, the additional weight of a couple of lads would not be significant.

Yes they did glue the unders to stop them slipping again - not sure how complex that is.

Quite a balancing act by all accounts… the 100 year old plus tiles are quite fragile and will break like biscuits if you step on the middle so you have to (apparently) step on the ‘noses’ or the ends (as described in the programme) to avoid breakages. I wouldn’t do it for sure…

Sounds like the world renowned engineer who when called upon to fix some subtle problem, which has defeated all comers, walks up, taps the errant machine with a hammer solving the problem and wanders off submitting a bill for £1000.

When pressed for more detail he responds

Tapping engine with hammer £1
Knowing where to tap £999

In this case knowing where to walk :slight_smile:


My Dad used to thump the top of the TV … worked like magic on the very old sets …
but in later life, he insisted on renting a TV (RadioRentals) and let someone else mend them as and when… :laughing:

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I remember in the early days of personal computer the Amstrad 1512 ofyen has a problem with failing to boot. This was often because the internal cards were not pressed down fully into their slots.
Just like Paul’s engineer, when faced with this issue, you often resorted to asking the customer to go make a cup of coffee (black, no sugar) and as soon as they had left the room, you picked up one corner of the box and dropped it on the table. More often than not, the machine would be working perfectly by the time the customer came back in! :grin: