EU passports after 2020

Not quite right. It depends how long you have left.

When I put my expiry date into the P/P office expiry query box it flagged up that the remaining time on my p/p, tho’ several months, was not sufficient to cover the period I stated I was going to be in France. This calculation factored in the ‘90 day max’ rule.

Previously one was able to renew a p/p during time ex-UK but now the expiry date must post-date the proposed return date to UK. Without this overlap, one could/would be refused entry.

How does that work if you are here permanently?

If permanent you presumably have some Billy Doo from the French - CdS etc - which allows you to be in France for longer than arrival and departure dates of someone who does not.

You are, in effect, returning [if travelling] not arriving, when you pitch up in FR or continuing to live there if chez vous.

You would renew your p/p in the usual way, from the comfort of your own fauteuil, when necc. Tho’ if you needed it to go to another Schengen country, the same time constraints would then apply to your p/p expiry date as for a Brit visiting FR.

I think.

I nearly put “before it was due” as one is generally required to have 6 months validity on a passport before travel.

It was 3 months for the EU though so I suppose that means an existing passport will actually have to be renewed slightly earlier than it would have been if one only ever visited the EU

Exactly. I lost about 20 weeks of validity on my last p/p on that account.