Execution of mentally ill woman in USA

Quite apart from the rights and wrongs of the subject under discussion, could I make a plea for everyone replying to another person to either quote what is being referred to, as I always do, or at least use the directional reply so we know who is being talked about and required to withdraw? Confused. :roll_eyes: :frowning_face:

If money is the only criteria for execution , then society has fallen a very long way.
If money had been spent on rehabilitation instead of allowing private enterprise to cream off big contracts for doing nothing but boosting dividends of their stockholders.Then maybe there would be a change.

IMO there is no simple sense of the diagnosis of severe mental illness, it is always a matter of prolonged exhaustive examination by the best medical minds in the business and over a protracted period of time. Simple? Never.

And politics should be eliminated from the issue.


According to a Parliamentary written reply given in April 2013, “The current average bed costs per annum for Broadmoor Hospital to commissioners is £325,000 (including non recurrent funding) £311,000 (excluding non recurrent funding) and the estimated cost per bed in 2020-21 is £335,000.” Source: Broadmoor Hospital: 25 Apr 2013: Hansard Written Answers - TheyWorkForYou

I have to admit that I’m not sure as to what exactly you mean when you say “allowing private enterprise to cream off big contracts for doing nothing but boosting dividends of their stockholders.”

Also, I would just like to add that in my last post I forgot to point out that at no time was Lisa Montgomery found to be ‘unfit to plead’.

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when talking about america many prisons are run by private companies,as are some in theUk
G4S is it.

The most recently available figures indicate that around 8% of inmates are held in privately run prisons in the US. Apparently the industry is in decline due to many states banning the use of private prisons, and also due to banks and finance houses severing their arrangements with the private prison operating companies. President-elect Biden is known to be against the use of private prisons and so the industry may well collapse in the near future.
Source: A growing number of states are banning private prisons - Vox

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Snide ? Personal? What on earth are you on about? And why not come out from that anon nonsense.

Th account has been removed at the members request which is why it says anon.

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