Expo and Vide Couture at St Sylveste (47)

This Suday 17th december at St. Sylvestre sur Lot dept 47, Expo and sale of unwanted sewing/ craft items. I will be there with my reversible clothes, Mum will also be there with her hand made cards. We will also be bringing along the rest of our unwanted patchwork fabric and odd bits of habby to sell.

Come along if you are in that area it's always good to me new crafters.

Massive correction, This Sunday is the 17th of NOVEMBER. Sorry can't get my brain in gear!!!

Yes always dodgy, my goal is always to make more than I spend but if that bloke that sells lace is there again!!!!!! Hold my purse someone.

Sounds good! But will I end with even more "stuff" ??????Dangerous!! I hope we can be there.