Extreme Charity “Run”

Some people run a marathon for charity. Others run several on consecutive days.
But, Francis Benali - a 50 year-old ex-professional footballer is “running” seven Iron Man triathlons in seven days.
That is a 2.4 mile swim, a 112 mile cycle ride and a 26.2 mile run every day for a week!
If interested in this, please look at ironfran.co.uk.
There is a Facebook page as well with a link from the website.

Sad to report that the medical team has decided that Franny has to retire from his challenge.

He’s done 4 Ironman triathlons in 4 days - surely that’s enough for anyone.

Hopefully he will still reach his £1,000,000 target for Cancer Research UK.

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Well, well.
Having been medically assessed nearly all day yesterday to ensure that no permanent damage had been done to his heart and/or lungs, this man has gone to the pool and started his fifth Ironman Triathlon! He’ll be hoping to complete today and tomorrow, finishing off with the Southampton Marathon.
(Even though Franny couldn’t participate yesterday, members of his family and his support team swam, cycled and ran the course on his behalf).
Since he started raising funds for CRUK, Franny has raised over £800,000 of his million pound target!

Thank you for this, Ian… what a man that chap is… phew… :relaxed::relaxed::upside_down_face:

Final update - he ran 5 out of 7 Ironman Triathlons (because the doctors withdrew him from one entirely and pulled him during the swim on another) and yesterday - day 7 - he swam the 2.4 miles, ran the Southampton Marathon and then cycled 112 miles around Hampshire.
Last time I looked, he was £50-odd thousand of his one million pound target over his three charity fund-raising.