Fake Pass Sanitaire

Utter folly… which can have disastrous results.

If one refuses to be vaccinated… at least make sure everyone knows it… !!!

Apparently there are thousands and thousands of people with false passes…

“C’est de saison. La chasse aux faux pass sanitaires s’amplifie depuis la rentrée, avec près de 350 procédures engagées à ce jour, visant quelque 270 soignants suspectés de fraude et 36 000 assurés soupçonnés d’en avoir bénéficié, selon un bilan présenté ce jeudi par l’Assurance maladie.

Le compteur tourne vite : depuis fin août, les caisses locales reçoivent chaque jour «entre six et dix réquisitions» des services de police et de justice. «Nous sommes toujours très sollicités» , a souligné le directeur de la Caisse nationale de l’Assurance maladie (Cnam), Thomas Fatôme, lors d’une conférence de presse.”

It was always going to happen, sad but infuriating, why not fess up when she got taken in and they knew how serious it was, very hard lesson for the husband and any family.
As an aside did you read any of the comments :astonished::face_with_raised_eyebrow::unamused::grimacing:

I notice that the Libération article is from August … and I’m wondering how many of those with fake PS are now dead as a result of their own stupidity…

Even worse scenario… have they been allowed to travel etc thanks to their “fake PS” and possibly transmitted the virus further afield … impossible to answer this, of course, but it does give me the shivers.

She was swanning around gaining entry to places where one had the right to assume that everyone was vaccinated and thus putting those people at risk. Providing or using a false vaccination cert should attract a €5,000 euro fine and any doctor that issues one should be struck off immediately. That should be an EU wide law.

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Frankly Stella, I don’t care about how many of them are dead, I worry about those they infected.

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I think there are probably far more now since the requirement to have pass has become more strict.

quote from August 2021 re fines etc:

Les délits liés aux «attestations frauduleuses de vaccination» sont passibles de lourdes sanctions : jusqu’à cinq ans d’emprisonnement et 150 000 euros d’amende pour les faussaires, trois ans et 45 000 euros pour les utilisateurs.

Ce mercredi, une femme de 19 ans, qui travaillait au plus grand centre de vaccination de Bordeaux (Nouvelle-Aquitaine), a d’ailleurs été condamnée à 18 mois de prison avec sursis pour avoir édité 24 faux pass sanitaires au bénéfice de proches. La justice l’a également condamnée à une inéligibilité de deux ans et à cinq ans d’interdiction d’exercer un emploi public.

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Have to catch them first…

I’m sure I’ve been seeing reports of such folk being caught, in the News… and I believe things are being tightened/checked even more thoroughly now.

I would hope that the knowledge that someone with a fake PS will not receive the correct treatment if one does fall ill with covid … might just tip the scales and make some folk see sense.

Does anyone know what info a restaurant/venue scanner shows to the operator from the QR code.


List of forenames


Date of birth

The scanner app is called TAC Verif if you want to try it.

I just wondered as one of the times we went to a restaurant there was no phone signal on my phone, but my OH always has the paper copies in her bag, she handed my the paper copy which the girl scanned and said that was ok, once we got to the table we realised that she had handed me my FIL certificate by mistake and I know I am getting on a bit but I don’t look anywhere near 87 years old :flushed::laughing:

I suppose they are only looking whether it is valid or not.

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Hmmm this press coverage is clearly released by the authorities “pour encourager les autres” :slight_smile:

I am actually quite surprised some people would be so stupid as to claim they’ve had a vaccination when they haven’t. I’ve been really impressed with the compliance and good heart of the French towards the restrictions, and getting themselves vaccinated.

So this is a big disappointment.

Only the scanning phone needs a cellular or WiFi connection.

I know, but I had picked up the wrong phone as I hadn’t installed the pass sanitaire app on that phone yet and had a copy of my certificate on Google photos and the cloud but couldn’t access it due to no signal.

You obviously mix in different circles than we do….there is still huge anger and resistance to the vaccine and the pass, including demonstrations outside the hospital. And chatting to aide soignant neighbours they say that it’s quite easy to get a fake pass.

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confirmed! and still getting people in the shop not wearing masks and as for vaccination… one of my customers who must be in her 60s, perhaps more, bragging yesterday that she isn’t vaccinated and that 3 of her family are in hospital with covid and they aren’t vaccinated either! This same customer lost a grandchild to an illness a few years ago. Cherchez à comprendre ! :man_facepalming:

and now the husband (sad and very angry) is making an official complaint against the Doc responsible for the false document.


(Except of course doctor says his credentials were stolen….)