Far Washing Machines


Can anyone help me ? I have a washing machine , which is taking a bit of stick at the moment cleaning dog blankets etc and we noticed a stale water ? smell coming from the Machine. A FAR L6400 made by Conforama. The manual ( in French ) says to clean the filter but we can’t find or get to it. Anyone had the same problem or make some suggestions. Jim is pretty good at fixing stuff, but the manual is in French and not very clear. I noticed on a site that someone else had a similar problem but the answer was to clean the filter eh What filter where ??

All contributions gratefully received.


Hi Wendy

Wise words indeed. Thanks very much I will get straight on to it. Many thanks Gina

Hi Gina,

I’ve had similar problems with my machine (different make) for same reasons. Here in dept 17 the water is really hard so every few weeks I use this WK Ultra Détartrant http://nouvelle-epicerie.fr/catalogint/product_info.php?products_id=2053&language=en it’s cheaper than that in the big supermarkets, but sometimes hard to find. It gets rid of all the limescale and crud and machine no longer pongs!

Hi James Thanks for that info but we have had the panel off and there is an outlet pipe and a lid type cover but nothing behind the cover.

Life’s rich pattern and all that.

On our Brandt machine it’s behind a removable panel under the door.