Fat/Fitness camp in france

Hi there all,

I was wondering if anybody would know off any fat/fitness camps in france, and i am not talking about the luxury 5000 euros a week ones. I dont know if this sort of thing exists here really for modest incomes. Sporty, reasonable healthy food-no frills, clean place, what i mean is a place where you can go to work off the excesses of the winter season. Any modest addresses, please send.

I know i could master this myself if was a good strong person but i really would like to find one of those bootcamps like in the UK. Myself and my two children have just spent two weeks in a sking station, which was one week too long in my opinion, we made tremendous progress in skiing but we have also loaded up at least 3 kilos each what with crepes, hot chocolates and so one and so forth. I hate to see my children overweight, especially since at their school their classmates are nearly without exception all perfectly stick thin without however showing signs of malnutrion. I dont know how they manage it. When i was young we were all skinny cos of the huge amount of time we spent outdoors on bicycles and such, totally unsupervised and abandoned to ourselves, our parents and ourselves perfectly oblivious to the existence of pedophiles, and a great joy it was i must say.

I hate veggies, so do my kids, we need outside help, like a fitness camp where they can control what we eat, that is take all the damned sugar out of our diets.

We are not obsese for information, just gone a little wayward.

Thanks a million for any addresses or names of any places that might correspond.Helen

and salt, Rachael, same with my OH and all her family (not the being super thin though!)

God give me strength! Sounds like you did more eating than skiing maybe should have done it the other way around.

Yes that is true Melissa. I like the sound of your soups! :)

During the winter months especially, you could have cooked lots of soups full of vegetables (fresh or dried like lentils) whizzed up and unidentifiable. Add flavourings you all like e.g. tomato, yogurt, or curry, add some chutneys for flavouring too which will make them sweeter. Experiment. I rarely follow a recipe, a good start is an onion or two melted in butter, then start adding vegetables, a stock cube and any other ingredients that take your fancy and whiz.

The French do eat a lot of sugar but they and their teeth are not necessarily healthy. I am all for being slim (I was very thin when younger as we all were) but some French children look skinny, very unhealthy, pasty skinned and are very lethargic. To get all your energy instantly from sugary drinks etc. is not a good idea.

Sorry I can't help, although, there is one thing that intrigues me about the French (I'm married to one), is that they include quite a lot of sugar in their diets and stay stick thin! I am always lecturing about sugar to my French family in law, but I don't really have a leg to stand on coz they are thin and I am fat!!! :)

Try here



We used to live in France and this place was in our local village - Not completely sure what they offer.


May be worth a phone call!


I can see that I am very late to this chat, and even the links are no longer working, but I too live in France and I am looking for the same thing. and then I got an idea; what if we all got together in one house, we threw out all of the bad food and we went shopping for the week, we cooked and talked and drank tea with no sugar, cooked healthy meals every day, and went on 10 km hikes in the morning and then went to the gym in the evening. and we only pay for the food and the gym access? I have a house that sleeps 7 plus me, and we could do a boot camp on our own, reading great books, and keeping each other healthy and accountable! what do you think? bad idea?


I think that is an excellent idea.
I think that one of the problems with being overweight is that people either do not have the time to cook from scratch or they don’t understand how to cook healthily or they can’t afford healthy ingredients.

My problem is that there is always someone who is not on a healthy diet with me, so I have the temptation next to me.

In that case, chez vous might not be the best place for your boot camp…

Participants might depart heavier than when they arrived!

Sadly listening to governments guidelines is not likely to be healthy when you start from a position of metabolic syndrome.

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I live with a vegetarian, or packetarian who eats crap I would never touch because its non meat but still ultra processed out of a packet. I have no trouble not eating unheathy stuff, still spoil myself occasionally, its only October but mince pies are in the shops already. The packet is still 3/4 full as each mince pie contains 22 grams of sugar! + other carbohydrates.

Obviously not, but more people knew how to cook when they learned at school before Tony Blair improved things by stopping Domestic Science and replacing it with nutrition.


It seems to be the biggest problem with legal people like the Blairs, they know the theory but lack the practical experience so they believe they are changing things for the better when the reverse actually happens.

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Ask your doctor, I know of one person who was ‘prescribed’ a few weeks in just such a place, and at no financial cost to them.

If you find a short-term change of routine embeds habits which you take away with you and put into practice at home, that’s great. I’m not sure it actually works for many people.

From what I’ve read, accountability, the acquisition of new habits and perseverence are important for weight loss. You could find a friend who likewise wants to lose weight, and share the journey. Weigh yourselves each week; encourage each other; support each other; allow yourselves the occasional thing you “oughtn’t” eat. When you’ve reached your targets, check in with each other every so often.

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Judging by your posts here I presume you moan to them about this every day. How do they react?

Its all psychological, she’s psycho and I am logical :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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