Are any of you celebrating the fête des mères today, or did you even remember?
I was the lucky recipient of a toasted nutella sandwich (yeuch, but I have a 10 year old) and orange juice in bed this morning. Apart from that I'm on a deadline so tied to the computer as usual.
I was told "Je t'aime ma jolie maman de tout mon couer" by my 3 year old who recited a poem he learned from the nanny. Melt!! Present enough for me (especially since he took one of his presents back--a painted hand carved out of wood--because it is HIS hand). Smile
I was very spoilt. Started on Saturday morning with a selection of TOP pressies including a pair of vintage trainers that it had taken my daughter 2 months of daily "Vinted' scouring to source, then trip to vide grenier where I was allowed to buy a selection of tat and then on Sunday afternoon, two goats arrived as my special surprise pressie. Lots of yummy food made and served all weekend and I even managed a snooze in the hammock. So I'm feeling very lucky and that should keep me going for another year...!
My Nutella sandwich is long gone. And I'm still sitting here working - not finished yet and I have to be up at 5.00 am to take Twerp to school for his outing to the Loire. A mother's work ...
Went out shopping with the kids on Saturday for the presents, we celebrated Saturday evening as I was in the shop from early this morning, but in my absence the kids (7,5 and 6) did what they could to provide breakfast in bed. Once we'd closed the shop it was off to mother-in-laws for fête des mères celebrations - all various parts back to the farm to celebrate, some had a three hour drive to get there so yes, we celebrate la fête des mères, was it fun, well we just ate and drank a little too much as normal...!
My present from the 6 year old son was the biggest non secret for the last 2 weeks - having told his step dad on the way home NOT to tell me he was making something, he then told me during the gouter that he was making a collier lol Duly presented this morning and worn all day.
The eldest (15 next week) 'treated' me by doing the washing up and my oh made me coffee this morning
Other than that been hard at it on the computer sorting out my business relaunch and preparing lessons for the June
You're such a good mum wearing your necklace to work! I've never received one but I love the idea that your 22 year old still makes them. That truly means something.
I have a lot of children and a huge lovely collection of fête des mères cards & art etc as a result - in primaire the instits are very good at helping them make something. I still get a ritual pasta necklace from my 22 year-old ;-) (and wear it to work ;-) )
I have a fantastic 3-D card (hearts and flowers) made by my children & a chocolate cake also made by my children but as we are all anti-Petain & he put la fête des mères on the calendar, the cake has a francisque and 'travail, famille, patrie' on it as a joke