Fill Me In re the A1 Exam for 10 year residency

bonjour les tous
We shot over here before the Brexit stuff was legalised and have our 5 year right to stay. Understand we have to pass A1 exam for 10 year residency? Where/How does one do that? Plus my OH is dyslexic. Any leeway for him?
merci bien

Hi Pamela…

If I am understanding you…
you do have the 5-year CdSejour(withdrawal agreement)… and are resident in France
( being here before the cut-off date for such applications…)
and now reckon you have to pass an exam to gain the 10-year permanent resident one ???

what makes you think that ???
for holders of CdS(WA) it’s supposed to be a doddle to get the permenent card when the time is right…

Thats a new one on me as well. If you have the brexit withdrawal five year one, a replacement ten year old should be automatic and nothing else involved except producting the usual demanded paperwork. Never seen anything about an exam except for those maybe applying for french citizenship regarding language or a visa after brexit. There has never been any demand for exams and we got our first CDS back in 1994 as it was compulsory then to stay here with five years first and then automatically ten years for the next one and so on.

Oh Gosh Stella! I hope you are right. You have cheered us up. Yes, we have the 5-year CdSejour(withdrawal agreement)… and are resident in France ( being here before the cut-off date for such applications…). A French friend told us we have to pass the A1 when our five years are up.

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nope… that was never part of the agreement.

however, the rules are being tightened… in various areas… but not the Withdrawal Agreement CdS where France has been very generous (in my view).

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Phew! Time for a celebratory drink! Merci bien.

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it’s easy for any of us to worry about things… when someone makes a casual remark… and the cold dread descends as one doubts one’s capabilities etc . :wink:

You are not alone… :wink: and certainly shouldn’t be drinking alone… :rofl: :rofl:

I agree with all that has been said. The Withdrawal Agreement CDS’s are different from the others in terms of requirements so please don’t worry. However, if you DID have to do an A1 exam you should pass it unless you speak no French at all…


I don’t think that’s true but even if it were there is no way someone who has lived here for 5 years can’t validate A1.


You might be surprised!! I’ve met a few.

There are no language requirements for the WARP card and there will be none for renewal once the process is set out as that would be in breach of the Agreement.


Phew… can we all relax with a nice glass of something…
I simply can’t bear the thought of @Pamela_Shields getting sloshed on her lonesome :rofl: :wink:

As it happens, I’ve just put a nice bottle of wine in the fridge so will be able to join Pamela in a glass later :rofl:


And I have a jar of 50% proof Tennessee moonshine that keeps staring at me!


I really can’t imagine that, I’m not trying to be mean, I simply cannot understand how it’s possible.

No not mean or being mean, I’ve met a few Brits but not many, since Brexit none.
IMHO. Anyone who can not pass an A1 after 5 yrs should have their TDS/CDS revoked or given a temporary TDS/CDS for a year to meet the requirements. After all a level A1 is a fundamental & very basic understanding of the language.


I would think it required a fair amount of effort and, perhaps, a certain mindset.


Yep… I did know a couple like that… although they have since made the decision to “move back home” where they are more at ease… they now visit France for holidays. Talk nothing but English… but that’s just their way… :wink:

:roll_eyes: Why did they move here in the first place?

(a rhetorical question, I know the topic has been covered previously ad nausea)

i’ve encountered couples where one speaks very basic French and the other has absolutely none apart from bonjour. But they live a very small life.

Very judgemental!
I would suggest my French is basic but what is basic? Your idea of living a very small life is most certainly not the next person’s.