Financial support available

If you are an AE or small business you can apply for two different types of help. The first is the “Fond de solidarité” [information here:]

It is a one-off payment of up to €1500 to those businesses who have had to close or who have netted less than 50% of March 2019’s income in March 2020.

If you think you may be eligible, the form is now available on your personal, (not professional), page of the impots portal, in the messagerie. It is quick and simple to complete but you will need your turnover declarations for both March 2019 and 2020 to hand.

  1. The second involves asking for an “aide financière exceptionnelle” from the Action Sanitaire et Sociale de la Sécurité Sociale pour le Indépendants (ASS) of your region[information here:].

You will need to complete the form and then return it with a RIB and copy of your last ‘avis d’imposition’.

Good luck!

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You may find that the figure is 50%.

Yup - you are quite right - it was revised downwards. I will amend it. Cheers!

I was filling out the form on Tuesday when I noticed that the threshold had changed, but it was not going to appear on the website until today. Applied this morning and had a winning response from the Impôts within the hour. Now, what do we spend it on?

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Which route did you take Geoff?
Do we have a choice between ‘fond de solidarite’ and ‘aide financiere exceptionelle’ and if so is it possible to recommend one over the other?
I have ploughed through the various URSSAF and AE portals myself so am not expecting a definitive answer but any info/clues would be appreciated.

Hi, you can apply for both, we have and I will keep you posted.

Okay Catherine and thanks.


I went into the first link and into my personal page at both and and nowhere could I find a link to a claim form for ‘Fonds de solidarite’.

I also pursued the second link and whilst I found the form (which I had actually discovered previously) it seems to pertain to companies. As I am an agent commercial for a company I am not sure that it applies to me?

Here is a guide to completing the first one - if you follow the step by step instructions it is very simple.

fonds_soutien_pas_a_pas_tpe.pdf (510.3 KB)

As far as the second form goes, my understanding is that if you are self employed or running a small business, you are entitled to apply.

Thanks again Catharine. My colleague had the same problem. We suspect the site is overworked but I shall try again and follow the step by step instructions if possible; The last time I logged onto my personal page I did not find any gateway.
I have a SIRET but to the best of my knowledge not a SIREN (which I did have when I registered an E.U.R.L. when living and working in the south). I’ve never been exactly sure what the difference is.

The link worked and was easy to follow Catharine and I now appreciate the technical difference between a SIRET and a SIREN although further enlightenment always welcome.
As far as the ‘Fonds de Solidarite’ are concerned I am not sure that I qualify because back in March 2019 I was receiving chomage as the result of a ‘rupture conventionelle’ with my previous employer. In other words although my income has suffered it was not attributable to my autoentrepreneur business twelve months ago.
I shall check with my accountant tomorrow but maybe somebody here finds themselves in a similar situation or has some professional knowledge.

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Hello to all.
I am new to this forum so apologies if I am posting this in the wrong place.
My family and I arrived in France (dept.23) Oct last year. We are set up as A.E with a 3 Gite complex. We obviously do not have earnings for March 2019. How can we apply for financial help regarding the cancelled bookings and lack of future bookings due to the current situation? After spending a lot of capital on refurbishment we were relying on the income from this season to tide us over.

i’ve just heard via another site that, if you’re in receipt of any other kind of funds. eg UK pension, that you’re not eligible. My UK pension wouldn’t feed my cats for a month, never mind us!

This is support for registered small businesses not for individuals.

I’m AE and have been since 2012, but I understand that you have to apply on your particulier, not your business account with the tax office and declare, on your honour, that you’re not in receipt of any income other than that which you earn.

I can’t see anything on the application form that says that. Perhaps you could post details of the info you mentioned before.

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That seems to be the case for the solidarity fund

Si vous étiez dans l’une de ces situations au 1er mars 2020, vous ne pouvez malheureusement pas bénéficier du premier volet du fonds de solidarité (aide plafond de 1500 €) :

    • vous cumulez votre activité avec un contrat de travail à temps complet (que ce soit un CDD ou un CDI)*
    • vous percevez une pension vieillesse*
    • etc*

Personally I would apply anyway and see what happens.

No mention of pensions in the second ‘grant’ anyway.

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I have assumed that we aren’t eligible for anything as we don’t pay cotisations, or make quarterly declarations. We just declare rental income in our annual return and pay tex and social charges on it.