Fiona Hill, northern english now american citizen speaks before congresss. A new hope for the world

Hi there people,

Has anybody else seen the testimony of Fiona Hill before congress yesterday? Most impressed by this lady. A bright light in a murky world. Gives me new hope for the world. Also love her no-nonsense northern english accent. Big Fangirl here. She’s sound like a new Churchill, to me anyway:

On another note am loving the progess of my man Corbyn and the new labour manifesto. Finally something good comes along. I am crossing my fingers for Him!!!

We may all pull through yet folks!!!

A hopeful Helen.


Most impressed by this lady.

Yes! She is utterly formidable!

I sussed she might be speaking pitmatic or “Yakka” when she said what sounded like “tek” for “take”, and ‘last’ instead of “lahst”.

But however she said what she said, it has to be another nail in Trump’s coffin. But what if he’s a vampire, the Undead? :scream: He’s a very unnatural colour…:thinking::slightly_frowning_face:

Tek , last, bath not take,barth, lahst all the normal pronunciation North of Sutton Coldfield. Pronunciation rather than Pitmatic which is a sub dialect/argot from around the North East. Another interesting linguistic boundary is the arearse / our house divide which Ian McMillan thinks occurs somewhere around Sheffield.

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Hi Helen, I agree with your sentiments about Trump wholeheartedly . Have watched CNN incessantly following the Trump saga, waiting impatiently for his much needed downfall. Because of the time difference between USA and Europe have had so many late nights watching CNN, waiting and waiting and waiting…! Hope this uncaring immoral lying thug gets his comeuppance ASAP.

Love Corbyn’s transformational manifesto. Especially good news for the women caught in the pension trap which the Tories ignored.

Can’t vote - been in France too long - but got my fingers crossed too.

ps - felt proud when I heard Fiona Hill speaking so forthrightly with an English accent! She’s English I cried out!