As usual, my annual foncier tax bill does not automatically reduce by €100 for persons of my age (I’m 72), so how do I go about claiming this?? I’m resident(brexit). If I am allowed, any chance of doing a back payment for six years?
Mine is the same, nothing in the dégrévement box because of my income being below the ceiling. Am going to make rdv to go see them and see what I can get off.
you say “as usual”… … what did you do about it in previous years ??
EDIT: It’s worth remembering that the “discount” is not given just because one has a certain age… it relies on low income etc… and is supposed to be given automatically without one needing to make a claim.
It’s worth querying with the Impots folk, nonetheless…
I am well over 72 by a fair margin and have an income low enough never to have paid tax on it, but I have never seen or heard of such a scheme. So I can only assume that you must be extremely poor, as opposed to very poor, to get such a discount.
It ought to be automatic - the €100 reduction for 65+. So once you have checked that nothing showing in dégrèvement box on back of bill and that your income in previous years was low enough to qualify then send a message to your tax office using the messagerie.
For the full exoneration you have to apply I believe.
For full exoneration for one person must be below €12,455 in previous year. For two people it is €19k so perhaps with Fran you didn’t qualify? No harm in sending a message though!
David, the ceiling on the revenue limit is quite high for a single person. I am well over under and have also never paid tax but according to the rules on the government impôts site, everyone who is under the ceiling regardless of age can apply for a discount of at least €100. My case is also a bit different in that this is the first bill for the new house as the two year exoneration finished in July and I could only just recently declare my biens immobiler online as the property before August was “inconnu” but when I could eventually declare, the impôts had all the info already but some of it was wrong and there was no way to change any info and still is not possible. They wrongly have down that I have a garage, I do not and nor does the other property on this shared plot and I suspect there are other mistakes so best to be open and I will go and see them as soon as we can get a rdv to get the property registered as it stands and not as they suspect. The bill for the ordures was also very high but think everyone pays the same although I only have a single person bin for both collections so maybe not! I should also like to take this opportunity to say to those who sneer at some of us for being poorer than they and trying to get discounts/benefits etc, that they do not know our circumstances, some of which are down to sudden death of a spouse as in my case leaving me fairly young and with very little income and becoming an official “accidente de vie”. Think yourselves lucky if you are not in this situation, no one knows whats waiting round the corner!!
Thank you @JaneJones and @Shiba , but without checking I don’t think I would qualify.
Si vous êtes âgé de plus de 65 ans et de moins de 75 ans au 1er janvier de l’année d’imposition, et que votre revenu fiscal de référence (RFR) ne dépasse pas les limites de revenus fixées par l’article 1417-I
Age for eligibility is said to be between 65yrs and 75yrs… so I’m wondering what is available for anyone over 75, on low income ???
@JaneJones I’m sure you’ll have the answer
(cheers Jane, for some reason the link you posted wouldn’t open earlier… but now it has… and it has the answers )
Some years ago I went to the Impôts about being completely exonnerated due to my circs and even back then, age 75 was considered an exoneration if under the current level of income more or less automatically as long as the applicant met the criteria and did not have a housing rental stock or other forms of income, hence why the questions were quite intrusive and I decided to pay my way andhelp my commune as I could just afford it.
Thanks for the info, I didnt realise that the €100 was income related - my income is well above the poverty level so that explains it!!
What I find difficult to explain is I had a review of the property and my foncier tax went up from €220 to €870! No major improvements so I wonder why I was singled out? I live in a hamlet and people are very secretive about how much ft they pay!
Property has been undervalued for many years, in many parts of the country… and has been revisited these last couple of years… with some nasty shocks to the property owners…
It was explained to me thus…
“If one buys a property which is poor condition/needs renovation… and subsequently brings the property up to scratch/habitable… it’s value will obviously increase and this will be reflected in the current TFonciere.”
checking the figures on the back if the Bill… will show just where the differences lie… and there have been some large increases in the various local and/or department taxes I believe…
When was it last reviewed? There are local committees who give a general opinion about local housing and can suggest reviews (not of specific houses tho’)
Did you check the info on your Taxe Fonciere bill? and can you see where the large increase comes from???
and, thinking about it… why was your property reviewed?
Hi Stella, I expect someone doesn’t like me and dobbed me to the tax people or perhaps because I am English and fair game, and yes I expect a great deal of folks have had a nasty surprise probably because of the demise of the habitation tax - after all they still have to raise sufficient funds for the local system to function. I did read some of the info on the gov website but it takes me ages! Thanks again for taking the time, regards Sam
I hope you are joking, when you say this…
There will be an explanation of the dramatic rise… check your local press etc…
and consider how your property differs in 2024 to its condition when you bought it… way back whenever…
EDIT: and if you really can’t fathom it… go to your Mairie and ask them to explain the Bill (I suspect your Mairie will be closer than the Impots people (but maybe not…)
Can you print a copy of your Bill… so much easier to examine it if you can…
Even if someone doesn’t like you, they can’t dob you in for no reason…
Differs? Only internally and been here for six years, initially they wanted €1900! So I got some aid and re-sent the (very extensive ) forms, this was then reduced to a more acceptable level - now just history as it was three years ago. Perhaps it was because it was a farmhouse and a going concern before the death of the owner eight years ago.Sam
Initially I did contact the marie but they were totally disinterested! Water under the bridge, I did explain that having to set aside such an amount I wouldn’t be engaging in any improvements and I haven’t since then, my silent way of getting revenge!!
mayebe this is the answer?
Vous avez plus de 75 ans
(Impôts locaux : de quelles aides fiscales pouvez-vous bénéficier ? | Pour les personnes âgées)
Si vous avez plus de 75 ans au 1er janvier de l’année d’imposition, vous pouvez bénéficier d’une exonération de la taxe foncière pour votre habitation principale. Deux conditions supplémentaires doivent également être remplies.
Si vous avez plus de 75 ans au 1er janvier de l’année d’imposition, vous pouvez bénéficier d’une exonération de la taxe foncière pour votre habitation principale