We buy the vast majority of groceries locally, but once a year we have been known to order some treats that we miss, especially towards Christmas. The people we have used in the past appear to have increased their prices a lot. Has anyone got any suggestions as to the best company to use at the moment?
I can also add about Blightyshop, they are really good, they offer a very good reliable delivery service,with a very quick turnaround which means you can take advantage of all the special offers the supermarkets have. They are also very accommodating about bringing non food items back too, they are certainly worth giving them a go....I don't think they mind small deliveries either. Sue
I honestly think the absolute BEST, CHEAPEST option is to go for a half-way house...
We do a big order each Christmas - Mainly Tesco but also some bits and bobs from Amazon, Chemist Direct, Woolovers for jumpers, Feel Unique for make-up, eBay and whoever else will do free delivery
We get it all sent to a friends, along with 2 great big STRONG proper boxes (eBay) packing tape and wrap
And we get our friend to throw away all the useless plugs, packaging and marketing rubbish...
She packs it up, labels it with the address labels we emailed her, drinks the fizz we sent her and waits for the nice man from Parcels Please to collect it...
We get exactly what we want for cost price from the shops for about 40 quid
which is what i'd pay in parking charges when i used to live in sussex and go christmas shopping
Thanks Catherine, Sam can certainly pick up non-food stuffs (with reasonable notification in order to verify suppliers). As it happens, Sam will be doing his next trip to the UK this weekend and would need to receive orders by Thursday lunchtime at the latest.
He will be going back for another pre-Christmas run at the end of October and the end of November also.
Anyone is free to make a product suggestion via the site - even for non food - or to send us an email directly with a shopping list and we will consider all requests.
So British is already starting to order its Xmas goodies and the website will be updated with these soon (click the advert link from SF N). We already have Matthew Walker classic Christmas puddings available and our selection of crackers (at reasonable prices), Christmas cake etc. will be along soon.
In the meantime, Sam is doing regular runs to the UK and can pick up special orders for people. If you mail us a list we can see what is possible depending on the items that you want.