Fosse Septique to replace or play the long game - AN UPDATE

By way of an update.

We have signed the Compromise De vente having satisfied ourselves that a longer term solution is possible and are both thrilled at the prospect of owning our home in the south of france.

I wrote to a local estate agent to ask about the situation regarding fosses and I copy word for word below, it makes interesting reading, our plan is to do the work and perhaps build in a garden watering system, any thoughts here most welcome.

Does anyone out there have any experience of actually obtaining a grant towards the work of replacing a fosse, again not hearsay or I know a friend of a friend actual proper experience with a result.

From a local agent


About 70% of the houses we sell have their own Fosse Septique, and 90% of these Fosse Septiques are not conformee with the new regulations.

We provide the buyer with a detailed monitoring report. The law says that the new owner has to put the Fosse Septique in conformity within 1 year.

However most new owners just carry on and ignore, given that until now the SPANC has no repressive role, so no one is prosecuted.

Of course our advice is to have the work done !


I too bought a property with a non-conforming Fosse (that was part of the price negotiation with the Vendor). I was told by my Estate Agent exactly the same as you Mike.

As the first anniversary of our purchase approached I called in at our Mairie for advice. The Mairie telephoned SPANC and the sous-prefecture and was told that we had, in fact, 4 years to make our Fosse conform.

The fourth anniversary of our purchase is coming up fast and I have had two Devis for the necessary work. One Devis seems reasonable and the other is 50% higher.

As a pensioner I would be keen to learn of any kind of Grant availability?