Fourth Jab anyone? Be prepared for the next Wave

I’ve already had my 5th jab in March.

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I read somewhere that someone (can’t now remember where) had multiple jabs (20+ IIRC) and was selling the certificates in a forged format :roll_eyes:

Are you trying to say that is me?

I had my booster back in Jan and, after feeling absolutely no pain or side effects whatsoever after the first jabs, I still have pain in my arm after the booster, and it is still very sore and sensitive when in certain positions - I read that this can happen if the injection was mistakenly applied into a joint - very annoying if that is the case as it’s been quite debilitating to an active fit relatively young person! Certainly making me think more than once before going to get another jab!

I had a penicillin injection that hit a nerve when I was a child. Hurt for a long time after, but Probably saved my life.

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absolutely not!!!
whatever gave you that impression???

Quite an understandable response… if it was incorrectly administered… enough to put the wind up anyone.

However, when the time does come for your 4th… you might like to discuss with your Doctor and/or whoever is actually going to administer this 4th jab.

I’m terrified of injections and blood tests (needles) … and have no qualms about talking things through beforehand. Thankfully, I’ve always found it brings out the best/gentlest side in folk.

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when in certain positions


Meant to put is emoji at the end of the sentence

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Ah… Understood

UK offering 4th dose to some groups I believe but evidence that the 4th dose improves immunity much is a bit lacking


And it seems vaccines tailored specifically to Omicron might not be much better

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It has been said many times, these vaccines don’t stop you catching the virus but reduce the severity of the symptoms

Exactly that. Pretty sure I’d have been hospitalised if not for the vaccine.


Vaccines have saved my life over the years, so I will continue to err of the side of them doing more good than harm at a societal level. And hope that I continue to handle them without problem.


I’ve had my 4th. Whether it will do any good is probably going to be a matter of some conjecture, but I don’t think that it will do any harm.

That’s what they say… I’ve never been I’ll with it or had any symptoms…
Been diagnosed positive positive twice, vaccinated once, it was during the first vaccination that my doctor performed a blood test to see if I had antibodies for Covid at the end I had and didn’t need a vaccine after all. but times have changed and now you are supposed to be vaccinated every 4 months. I say this from my own personal view, I don’t need it, so it shouldn’t be imposed on me! Others may need to be vaccinated, that’s for them to discuss with thier health consultant.

I had the J&J and need to get my 3rd jab once I get back to France, I was alerted to it by the Anti Covid app today so phoned my pharmacist and I am booked in for the day after I get back, his recommendation was to take it.

You’ve been lucky then but they say 70% of flu sufferers are asymptomatic doesn’t stop them from spreading it to others though same as this virus

Never tested for the flu, but it floored me for a day, God, did I have the shivers.
As for the spreading of virus, everything you touch the air you breathe… Think about it, we don’t live in sanitized laboratory conditions, if we did and then left, we’re be brown bread.

So don’t you think we should make an effort to protect ourselves and others? Wearing masks , hand washing, social distancing etc? Which includes having the vaccine