FRANCE Daily 2022, Passe, Vax, Travel (Update) etc

Update on restrictions etc…

For those who like to hear it directly… here’s the video

20th January 21h18


Care to give a summary?

Sorry, not my domain.

I watched it. It was basically someone giving an explanation of something he doesn’t really understand.


OK, thanks.

:laughing: :roll_eyes:

I want to snarkily respond that that seems to be the case in every one of his videos I’ve seen, but I yet again have to remind myself that some people seem to find them very useful and so I’ll just zip it :zipper_mouth_face:


Today, the Constitutional Council validated most of the provisions of the controversial bill establishing the vaccination pass, including possible identity checks by cafeterias or restaurateurs, in the name of the objective of “health protection” against the Covid-19 epidemic.

Seems to me like a very good time to be staying at home as much as possible.

I’m actually terrified I might have caught it going out for my booster yesterday. That would be ironic. Even in a little village, nearly half a million infections a day…I honestly thought about just continuing to stay home instead of getting a booster, as it might be safer.

How do you know you haven’t already had it and were asymptomatic? :wink:

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Seems my paper Passe Sanitaire printout is OK to continue using … the thingy will go through automatically if/when scanned by “whoever”.

Thanks Stella, that’s good to know :sunglasses:

The “big” supermarkets can continue to sell autotests until 15th February…

Er…I dunno tim17. Possibly because I haven’t been out since mid-November

gently… gently…