hello all. since i managed to lose all my cards earlier this year, i was excited to see that there’s a new App you can store them all on: France Identité, So when we go out we don’t need to take all our identity cards out. I just spent half a day udpading my damn iPhone (don’t ask ) so i had a current operating system to load the app on to. When i tried to set it up and allow it to take a photo of my identity card, it said that it won’t support Titre de Sejour! How short sighted is that? Does anyone know if and when we can do this? Also, since I’ll be getting my new French driving licence soon, will i be allowed to upload that onto the app without a French ID card ie carte nationale d’identité? Thanks, Jon
No, sorry. Only for people with a French Carte National d’identité, ie French.
Probably not short-sighted but deliberate to control people with fake documents.
thanks, but i’d have thought that the app verifies the documents are legal. When i got confirmation of my French Driving licence it added this
" Vous pouvez disposer d’un double numérique de votre permis de conduire sur l’application d’identité numérique France Identité. Pour cela, vous devez télécharger l’application France Identité en vous rendant sur https://france-identite.gouv.fr. Vous y trouverez sous le menu « Questions fréquentes » les indications pour importer votre permis."
I assumed that I don’t need any other form of ID on there?
Where is there?
You can download the app, but you can’t use it without having a CNI to start with. Currently it is for French nationals.
Pour utiliser France Identité, il faut :
- Posséder la nouvelle carte d’identité (format carte bancaire) ;
- Être majeur ;
‘there’ being the app of course. nevermind
There’s a chance with the new biometric CdS’s that there will be an add on for non French ID holders to be able to upload their licence.
There are proposed plans to roll out the digital CV all over and this does not need French ID.
So I think this will be available to all in time.
Thanks, that’s good to know
The identity numeric app has been recently updated and it will work with a 5 or 10 year Carte de Sejour : previously it should have been able to support it but the new app now has much more functionality and it actually works. You can then use apps like France Connect.
Is that the La Poste app?and does it work to get to France Identité and digital driving licece?
Hi Michael, the Identity Numeric App sounds more like France Connect (How to use French post office’s new online identity system) and not as a legal online identity card etc holder…
We took it from the Apple App Store under advice from la Poste. It is called mon Identitie Numerique and has the logo of Lin in the App Store.
It is operated by LaPoste but is NOT the La Poste app. Once you are identified you can use France Connect and gain access to many gouv services that way.
My partner has a 5 year Carte de Sejour and has the numeric identity setup
La Poste staff are not particularly reliable when it comes to advice but we found our way through it ourselves in the end.
Thanks Michael, looks useful, but i don’t think it works like France Identité. France Identité is an app on the smart phone that allows you to leave your ID cards at home so less chance of losing them (like I did), France Identité is legal for the gendarmes etc if you are stopped for Titre de Sejour or Driving licence. The issue with France Identité is it currently only accepts carte nationale d’identité and not the various Carte de Sejours…
I see said the blind man.
So much to discover in this country.
Thanks for the clarification
ha ha - i’m sure we all want to discover more than bureaucracy. we’ll get there in the end.