France: Press Release 31/01/2020- updates

Very true, no doubt the number will be on the next email too.
Out of pity for the foncs - if they have thousands of applications carefully filed in number order, I wouldn’t insist on giving them my name instead!

I think it might well be easier simply to reapply… :anguished: :crazy_face: :rofl: but I reckon the numbers were automatically generated as folk applied… I can’t imagine a fontionaire bellowing out…

come in number 323-456… your time has arrived… :rofl:

Yes no doubt the numbers are generated as request go onto the system.
But if that’s the number they need to easily retrieve you dossier when you turn up , it’s only kind to provide it.
Speaking as one who once worked in a university registry where students were filed by enrolment number, and it didn’t amuse me when there was a queue down the corridor and the student at the counter didn’t know his enrolment number but his name was Li.

I’m sure the email/sms asking you to turn up… will have sufficient within it to identify you speedily. It is in their own interests to ensure this… imagine the hassle if not…

the appointments will be at your local Prefecture… so that will be nice…

(and we don’t want to get folk panicking if they did not keep the original email/number…)

Thank you for the information…

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what is your current situation re CdS etc ?? no need to give personal details

Haven’t put application in yet. I guess I thought the UK wouldn’t crash out without a transition period… So thank you for the link you posted. I will apply on the new website.

You are not alone… I applied simply to try out the site.

anyway… you will need to wait until the website opens again in July ish… but have no worries meantime… you will be OK.


Thank you :blush:

the page of this link is in French and in English and explains where things are at the moment with CdS…(no need to panic, anyone)


Andrew, welcome to the forum

Please will you amend your Registration to show your full name (first and last) as per our terms and conditions.

If you are not sure how to do this, simply put your full name on this thread and I will amend it for you.


Why do you have to do it at all? Surely that’s very straightforward to understand, the card you have now is the card issued to EU citizens and as Britain has now left the EU that card is no longer appropriate. There will also be a need to differentiate between the card issued to the British citizens resident in France before the end of the transition period and those what settle in France after that date as the rights for those two groups will be quite different.

I doubt, it but I bet there are different versions depending on what rights you have and why.

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Andrew, it’s because only EU citizens, and certain others such citizens of EEA countries, have the right to freedom of movement in all EU countries. Everyone else has to go through immigration procedure if they want to live there. Immigration procedures basically mean a visa to allow you to move here, and a carte de séjour to allow you to stay here. Brits already here aren’t required to retrospectively apply for visas.

Brexit has altered their status from ressortissant UE to ressortissant non UE. France didn’t do that, nor did the EU. It was a UK decision, as was the decision to end FoM


I’m intrigued. The new site will not open until July 2020. So presumably the new cards will be available after that. Yet those of you who applied using the “old” online are getting appointments. What are they going to give you? An “old” carte de sejour? Or will you have to wait until July to receive the “new” card?

We’ve had our “old” cartes de sejour for 2 years now and we’re assuming that we will just apply online from July to change the card and go along to the prefecture to give new photos, have fingerprints taken (machine didn’t work for OH!) and then come back in however many weeks to collect our “new” cards. If our assumptions are wrong I’d be grateful for any info on what we ought to do. Thanks.

By the way, our “old” cartes de sejour were free.

I didn’t say this
As an optimist I merely suggested that it might happen but the authorities will do what they do.

I think that’s how it will work.
The site is very user friendly.
I assume those of us who applied online earlier will simply have our applications “carried forward” and dealt with in exactly the same way as applications made from July. It would seem a bit pointless throwing all those applications away and making us do it again.

I’m trying to reply to Stella’s first post. I’m a bit confused, I applied on-line for a CdS n the event of a no deal Brexit and had a reply shown below. Does this new information mean I don’t need to do anything else and my on-line no deal application will be processed?

"Madame, Monsieur
vous avez déposé une demande d’un titre de séjour en ligne par
l’intermédiaire du site|01||a2df6c7057e640b2578f08d76c2f6edf|84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa|1|0|637096824047222835&sdata=0bRGW966cw3QsUnUc2yOrk%2BbEAllJ6lWujL%2BwRs14cs%3D&reserved=0

A ce titre, votre dossier sera instruit uniquement dans le cadre d’une
sortie du Royaume-Uni de l’Union européenne sans accord.

Toutefois, si vous souhaitez obtenir d’ores et déjà la délivrance d’un
titre de séjour en qualité de ressortissant de l’Union européenne, je
vous invite à transmettre

  • en retour à l’adresse électronique
  • par courrier postal à l’adresse postale : Préfecture de Lot-et-Garonne
    – DCL – Bureau de la nationalité et des étrangers Place de Verdun 47920
    AGEN Cedex 9
    la liste des pièces ci-jointe :

Attached to this email were two attachments of forms to complete if I wanted to apply as an EU citizen, I didn’t complete them.

Were you applying for the first time, rather than to exchange an existing cds?
It was simply telling you that your application will be processed after brexit, but if you wanted an EU cds in the meanwhile (ie a card you would then have to swap after Brexit) you could apply for one.
But you can ignore it now cos it’s been overtaken by events :wink: