France recalls US and Aus ambassadors

I agree Anne. Given the way we have been flooded with American propaganda for the last fifty years it’s hard to look at the US objectively, but Geof is correct :slightly_smiling_face: Iran is no worse than Saudi but Saudi is a favoured US ally (despite, for example, most of the 9/11 perps being Saudis). The US screwed up the deal that was preventing Iran developing Nukes. North Korea has nuclear weapons now, but who knows what Korea would be like but for the Korean War.

The most interesting Country you mention is China, which is indeed a growing risk. However it is “invading” Africa with aid and joint ventures, a route open to the US as well. But fundamentally China would not be in the powerful position it is today without US corporate greed’s use of virtual slave labour to drive quarterly earning per share. This allowed intellectual property transfer (and theft) which has powered the Chinese economy. The US has finally woken up to this risk and will now start to use it cack-handed foreign policy to make a difficult situation worse. We weren’t long waiting for an example…

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Odd approach to a discussion forum!


Thank you @Geof_Cox, this made me laugh much harder than it probably should have done :rofl::rofl::rofl:


China, Russia and Iran are currently the most dangerous countries on the planet and the West is to blame for allowing all three to have such a strong influence in various areas of the world.

Actually calculated per capita, both China and Russia drop out of the top ten:


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Influence is not just about military might though. :wink:

Interesting article from a US perspective in today’s NYT

‘France’s assertiveness abroad is calibrated to manage its longstanding quandary of how to act as an independent power while depending on allies.’

Less so than the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, one way and another. And the KSA’s friends.

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I dont think the US or Aus will really miss them or be really bothered. Pakistan is also a big big supporter of terrorist groups such as the taliboys and the isis.

Considerably more so than Iran.

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