France starts issuing speeding fines to the UK

What a stunning example of ‘tit-for-tat’ being used as some kind of warped justification.

Couldn’t give a stuff about the M20 & M2 - I live in France.

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I don’t feel any sympathy. The Gendarmes occasionally set up a radar trap directly opposite our front door to catch HGVs that thunder at 50+ kph through a short 30kph section of D road sandwiched between a maison de retraite and a maternelle, both 150 m from our threshold, with the passing traffic only 2.5 m from our front facade.

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That’s not what the figures indicate that I have seen. Prime Minister Edouard Philippe has claimed that 116 lives have been saved since the speed reduction. Here is an item in English

John, if you have figures that show the Telegraph and other UK newspapers have got things wrong please post a link here.

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The technology/agreement between UK and France … enables both to Fine speeding foreigners… This was widely advertised and seems to be working well. :zipper_mouth_face:

It is quite possible that French drivers who receive a Fine from UK, will angrily presume this is UK’s sneaky/underhand way of raising funds to pay whatever is necessary for Brexit… :rofl::grinning:

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Oh here we go it’s the French getting back at us for all the mayhem we’ve caused by acting on a fraudulent referendum. Please stop posting garbage.


Give it 5 years and all cars will be fitted with auto speed limiters, then no one will speed and government’s will have to think up new ways to generate an income.


Well some of the people not killed in accidents will be contributing to the economy


Roads are a shared public space owned equally by all users, including the old, the poor, the infirm, the uncertain, and persons who don’t use mechanically assisted contraptions for personal advantage.

No citizen who uses this commonly-owned amenity should claim any privilege or right over any other, however ‘lowly’, except as allowed by law e.g. street signage or officers of the law, emergency services etc.

People who flaunt their assumed superiority and privilege must expect the contempt and condemnation of those who don’t, and should learn not to repeat their public offensiveness.


But Peter i drive a BMW surely i can drive how ever i like!?:oncoming_automobile::oncoming_police_car: I don’t want to share the road with the poor, old and infirm. That’s why i love the toll roads.:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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@anon69921496 mais oui bien sûr ! Comment pourrais-tu jamais se comporter autrement? :laughing::skull_and_crossbones:

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The EU are to introduce this in 2022, already on the planning.