France to ban use of meat terms to describe vegetable-based products

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I have long wondered why vegitarian food has to be dressed up in this way - OK I know why, it is a question of trying to market Quorn and the like to meat eaters.

But really, why can we not celebrate vegitarian meals for what they are - you don’t have  to have meat in a dish to make it tasty or apetizing.

Speaking as an invererate carnivore :slight_smile:


I completely agree - one of the fabulous things I found, working in India, was lunch in the office, the huge range of vegetarian food made to strict rules (I was working with Jains and you eat certain things on certain days and particular things aren’t combined) but full of variety in taste texture colour… fantastic. And not an apologetic pseudo sausage roll in sight :blush:
And I too am a ferocious carnivore


I expect here will be a scramble to patent the words xaucisson, xoeufstek, xambourger, poitrine de xorc and xoulet.

And xareng, xorade, xrevettes and xoules indeed all other known xoissons, no doubt. Here in Normandy the famous xripes are already flying off the counters of the emergent vegetarian xoucheries.


Thanks for the encouragement, Bill. I’ve been acting on the likelihood that votelet de vorc and similar verbal swerves have already been ruled out as possible new and acceptable nomenclature for non-meat products, but one never knows :thinking:

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This was talked about on Farming Today on the BBC this morning.

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Thanks for the tip Jane, I will look up the podcast.