Free but useful Library software for your mobile devices

There is some incredibly powerful LIBRARY software available, backed by a huge multinational company and which is absolutely free. Although many people are aware of it, few realise how useful it can be.

You can store ALL your documents and images etc., without limit, in a secure Central Library in the cloud. You can then take copies from that Central Library and store whichever documents you choose in a Local Library on any of your local devices such your smartphone, tablet, laptop etc.

You can install shelves in your local libraries to contain specific types of documents. For example, on my smartphone, I have different shelves for technical manuals, recipes, take-away menus, photos relating to my hobby, books to read etc etc.

The software comes with a powerful reading app that lets you organise shelves, individual books and navigate around a book when reading it.

The software I am referring to is developed by Amazon to make it easy for that company to sell its digital books. However, you do not need to buy a single book to take advantage but you do need an Amazon account even though you need never spend a penny.

First you need to install the appropriate Kindle software on your mobile device. All operating systems are covered such as Windows, Apple, Android. This helps you organise and read the books in your Local library.

Secondly you need to install the “Send to Kindle” software available as a free download from Amazon. This is installed on the device which contains your documents that you want kept in the library. These can be in pdf, .doc, .jpg format or some of the digital book formats like .epub.

Placing a document in one of your local libraries is simplicity itself. You right click on your document in File Explorer then in the menu that appears select “Send to Kindle”. A reference copy of that document is sent to the Central Cloud Library and from there a copy is sent to the Local Library of any of your mobile devices that you choose. All formatting is taken care of automatically and the only connection you need is Internet access. No wires or passwords are required.

For example, if I buy a new gadget, the manual often takes the form of a paper copy in an inconvenient multi concertina fold pattern, in twenty odd languages, in typing so small that I need a magnifying glass to read it and pages of irrelevant information that I will never be interested in. All I want to know is how to switch it on/off and change the settings. Perhaps a page of error messages may be useful.

I go to the supplier’s web site and download the digital copy of the manual which I can at least read on a computer screen. I delete all the irrelevant information and save the (much smaller) result. I then “send it to Kindle” so that it pops up on my smartphone. There, I can select which shelf I want to keep it for easy retrieval.

This way I always have a library of useful information in my pocket.