French Acronyms and their meanings

I seem to remember starting to do this some time back but got very little response. If we get enough suggestions I’ll put them all together in a UI page, James.

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Confirm that. I just found the draft I wrote some time back.
One that threw me for years was PAF – Paysage Audiovisuel Français if memory serves. Not that knowing what the abbreviation stands for makes you any the wiser about what it actually means!


A UI Terry, if I’m not mistaken that’s an acronym! :wink:


Not an official one but many text messages to me sign off with ‘mdr’. Which is mort de rire’ - theirr equivalent of ‘lol’. (laughing out loud). Like I said, not official but I keep seeing it in correspondence.


I’ll start a new post over in the Useful Info category for this before it gets out of hand! @terry

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I’ll sort them in to a better arrangement when there are too many

My original idea was to ask people not to use acronyms for at least the first occasion but a file is great for reference. Thanks for doing this. :slight_smile:

I love SPANC (whatever it stands for!!)

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OK @james. I’ll add the one’s I’ve collected and try to sort them
alphabetically to start with.


SPANC - le Service Public d’Assainissement Non Collectif :wink:


But Sandy, even though not official these are almost more important because you can look them up easily. Thanks


Very good, but still terribly confusing in a thread or article where so many are thrown about. Would you be able to give a short summary in English explaining what each one is? English or French, we live in an age of acronyms and I hate the wretched things. :slight_smile:



It is all very well to have acronyms written in full but what would also be even more useful would be what these particular people, departments, organisations did. Am a real beginner here. Used to hate the damn things in the UK too.


We should do that @Niki_Dowrick :slight_smile:

DTC. I often get that one at work when I ask where something or someone is. Work it out for yourselves.

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These aren’t acronyms, they’re initialisms!

They are acronyms and initialisms, is there any need to be pedantic?

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If by “pedantic” you mean “correct”, then yes. Try saying, in French, in
one syllable, “CPAM”, “EFS” etc.

I think there are some of both in there @JohnHart well spotted!