French Air Force noise at night

probably all meeting up for lunch somewhere :slightly_smiling_face:

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Not had any today but the last 2 weeks have been busier than normal!

We get some daytime flights low over us and the occassional night time flights as well.

On the plus side these flight corridors put the mockers on Wind Farms being placed on a ridge to the west of us.

Iā€™ve never heard a night time flight unless I was awake.

We also get Airbus test flights over us and training flights from the local airport during the day.

There will often be pairs of fighter aircraft, this is a default configuration.

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we did too when we were directly east of Toulouse, I remember seeing the huge one (sorry canā€™t remember itā€™s number) before it was released just hanging over the house!

How is your WARP application going Grahame? I asked the other day but you must have missed my tag.



I did reply to you then and have also replied today.

ā€œStill waiting to hear from the Prefecture.ā€œ 28/7/2021

ā€œRendezvous for fingerprints and photo next Thursday.ā€œ 30/7/2021

Perhaps Survive France isnā€™t publishing email replies?


Iā€™m so glad things are moving ahead for you @anon65742194

Must confess I did not know that if I simply reply to the email notification of action on a threadā€¦ it would not show up on the thread itself.

I usually click on the email to ā€œview the threadā€ and reply there, if I wish to.

Ah well, just shows Iā€™m not too old to learn something newā€¦

Sorry no, I didnā€™t see that - great news! So today is the 30/07 was it today you went for your prints? I presume you ended up applying online. Very pleased you are sorted!

I feel your pain!
The other night I was woken at 2.30 am by a loud crashing sound. Opening my eyes there were bright lights shining outside the window.
On further investigation it was the local farmer taking advantage of a warm dry night to bail some hay in the field opposite my house.
I was outraged! Why could he not do this during normal working hours? I donā€™t get up & make a noise if I canā€™t sleep, a cup of Ovaltine & a ten minute read usually works. Much better than a few hours on the John Deereā€¦
It is not as if he needs the food it produces as we have a perfectly good supermarket nearby where he can buy food like the rest of us. He will be holding up traffic with his tractor during my run to the local town next when he should be in a carā€¦
We will be expecting doctors & nurses to be available at 3am to save our lives next.
So these young Top Gun wannabees sodding about it the dark just to show off to their version of Kelly Mc gillis really need to be put in their place. Bloody hooligans!


Yes, we have farmers ā€œrunning amokā€ at night, from time to timeā€¦ darn nuisance. :wink:

But my pet hate is when the peace and quiet of a pleasant summer evening is wrecked by the droning/moaning sound of the stags, echoing across the valleyā€¦

Nature really should have an off-switch so that my peaceful existence wont be disturbed by these pesky creaturesā€¦ :wink:


Frogs ,frogs, damned frogs. Can nothing be done about them. Oh for a nice quiet pair of Rafales.


And the high pitched piping of our pair of peregrine falcons as they elegantly swirl and dive across the sky in the early morning is really too much. Canā€™t they take a cue from animal parks and have their displays at 14h, 15h and 16h like civilised creaturesā€¦



Iā€™m wondering if you have double-glazing. Weā€™ve found that can make a great difference.

The church belfry is ā€œalmostā€ in our bedroom, yet we no longer notice the bells clanging, since putting in double glazing.

Just a thoughtā€¦


I remember posting about the owlets of short eared owls who fledge the nest but stay around to still be fed by their parents. They make an awful row.

One year, the bells were out of actionā€¦ and we had barn owls nesting in the belfryā€¦ their snoring was hilariousā€¦ I couldnā€™t believe it, at firstā€¦


We have scops owls right by the cottage bedroom windows - they are so cute and fly around quite a bit during the day but boy, do they snore! And their ā€œhootā€ is boring in the extreme. I have to warn our guests, :grin:


for one awful minute Sue, I thought you were going to write "their ā€œhootā€ is a hootā€¦ :slightly_smiling_face:


We were woken up one morning to the army repelling invaders complete with tanks and what I hope was blank ammunition; The scene from my front door


Had your neighbour not paid their taxes then?

Oh my gosh David, Iā€™d totally forgotten about a similar experience. Our first French home was in a tiny village overlooking the square with only 1 other house, the back of the chateau and the church. Our living room was upstairs with 2 big windows overlooking the square. I was up at 3am with my newborn having a feed when I heard voices outside. Slightly freaked out I looked out the window and there was a bunch of legionaires having a break / drink on the square! Another night at a similar time we were in the middle of nowhere on a tiny lane and came over ridge to find a whole platoon running along the road! We lived near Castelnaudary (Aude) where there is a big Legionnaire camp!

I loved watching* the beautiful UN soldiers having their morning run when I lived in Damascus.

(*at least half the population enjoyed it)