French Bank Account and Mobile Phone

No by bank transfer to us no problems and all the time she was in Norway no problems paying the tax by transfer from a Norwegian bank.

I don’t think we should have any problems money in and money out to the French tax are exactly the same amount and of course we have the electronic records.

it doesn’t take much for the Fisc in any jurisdiction for things to be flagged up where unusual activity occurs on accounts. Often, their response is to trigger an in depth investigation - not something the average man in the street would like to have happen to them - even if totally innocent.

Rather than massively over complicating everything - why not just open a Wise account - they definately accept payments from there. Its Belgian IBAN - my partner uses it without issues - and I’ve used it for one off payments to various bits of French govt

The other question - are they trying to set up a direct debit - or just one off payments? The one off payments usually don’t care - and you can always use a card there as well - direct debits can take an e mail or two - given they want your money - they will eventually relent.

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Why not just carry on paying from the Norwegian account? Send the money to Norway from Portugal?

Sorry more complicated they sold up in Norway and moved back permanently to Portugal where they got Portuguese citizenship. (Dual with UK).

So Norwegian bank account closed

I am so intrigued by all of this that I might go into my local bricks and Morter ÇA and ask if I can open an account as a non resident.

Let you all know the result.

Thought that might be the case - moral is never close any bank accounts ever - (unless of course one is paying for them).

I never close any of my UK bank accounts - they come in handy for ‘switching’ offers, where one has to switch and close an account to get the offer.

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Personally, I would simply say …
"I am enquiring for a Portuguese friend who does not live in France.
That friend has a holiday home here in France and needs to pay Taxe Fonxiere etc…
Is it possible for my Portuguese friend to open a Bank Account with you ??? Please… "

best of luck… if I weren’t so busy I’d take a trip into town myself…

You might be better off with a less parochial bank than credit agricole, something like the société génerale.

We had a non-resident account with CA… no problems… just saying…

We too, though it was 15years ago. When OH signed the lettre de compromis the estate agent suggested he walked across the square to the local Credit Agricole branch and opened an account which he did. This was April and we didn’t leave the UK until July. I suspect sometimes local branches with local contacts can help. Or maybe not any more.

I know they vary from place to place - I don’t have direct experience but a British-resident-here friend of mine has a CA account and never has anything good to say about them.

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Yep… varies so much… as you say… nothing but good things from my CA… just the luck of the draw as with so many things in life…


I have been very impressed with ÇA Britline as they were only bank we could open account with to buy the house all the others wanted us to be resident before we could open the account. Of course we could not do that.

We have opened accounts in the local ÇA branch and they have been terrible. So as you say luck of the draw.


Why the cedilla under the C?

If they’ve been so terrible, it surely won’t be worth asking them about your Portuguese friends… try another bank…

Perhaps autocorrect on a phone misinterpreting it as the word “ça”… and now I’ve got that Plastic Bertrand song in my head :man_facepalming:

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Just don’t go with la banque postale - they’re useless (although they will allow you to open an account as a non-resident)… I really need to switch at some point.

It was on the radio in my car not long ago, naturally the volume swiftly went up to very very very loud so loud it even drowned out my singing along at the top of my lungs :joy::joy::joy:

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