French Car Insurance

Has anyone experience of car insurance here?? I insured my english vehicle with AXA for a replacement value policy. I wrote the car off last week and the loss adjuster has cut the value by 60% as it was a right hand drive car, which they knew at the outset and obviously calculated the premium to reflect the risk!! Any advice or contacts would be appreciated as I feel this is grossly unfair!!

Are your UKinsurers aware that you live in France If in fact you do live in France

When you say replacement value policy did you have a clause in the contract that stipulated a guaranteed amount payable in the event of a total loss

This is good to know too! Our cars are registered here, so it's no use to us, but I'll pass this on to friends.


Thats good to know Helen and I will certainly insure my next car with them!

Thanks Barbara I will give him a call and ask him some questions about Ombudsman etc..

We are with the MAIF, who gave us the normal value for our RH drive car when my husband wrote it off. We have had two more write-offs since then, not our fault and with LH drive cars. (We live in the Ile de France, perhaps people drive differently where you live!) Each time the claims were dealt with efficiently. The MAIF usually comes top of the surveys of French insurance companies. We insure our house with them too. As you probably don't work for "Education Nationale", you'd need to get insurance with Filia-MAIF, which I believe has the same conditions.


David Atkins




Not sure exactly how far her is from me 3 HOURS AWAY.
But he came here to take our details.

Hello Barbara good to hear that - could I have their telephone number please? Thanks. Linda

We are with Axxa here in France and we are generally very helpful anf fair.

Our agent is British and has French and English staff.

If you would like his details please let me know.