French-English Reading Group

Possibly because in a former life I studied and taught literature, I'm finding reading classic French fiction a great way to improve my (limited) French. I'm starting gently with 'dual language' books in French and English - mainly short stories.

I wonder if anyone would be interested in a reading group based on this approach? I have in mind reading the same story or chapter over say a week, then meeting to talk through both the language learnt and perhaps some other aspects of the writing too - insights, themes, background, etc.

I'm based in central Brittany, but I guess the 'meeting' could be over skype or google if anyone from further afield is interested...

Hello Geof,

I was thinking of a 'talking group' as I miss talking French all the time !! I am bilingual fluent French (and as it happens a translator) and could almost certainly ? help with improving french comprehension. Not sure if that's the format I'm looking for but might be worth a try. I also live in Brittany ... regards