French Registered LHD car buying in UK - Docs?

Hello All

I can’t find a suitable post to help me out with this. We are soon to buy our vehicle, as above and will be taking it to France permanently in October.

I want to make sure that I receive all the correct documentation from the dealer to have a problem-free trip to the prefecture (if that’s ever possible!). Although we get a receipt from the dealer, the docs we receive from him will show that it was purchased direct from the vendor.

Thanks in advance


You no longer register it via the prefecture, you need to go via the ANTS site or a third party company. Make sure that you have a properly completed Certificate of Cession, that the seller informs ANTS that he has sold the car, he will be issued with a code for you and that the CG is annotated, signed and dated.

Thanks David so does that actually mean that you CANNOT use the prefecture anymore?

It’s all online or through a ‘broker’ now.

Okay thanks for that David

hello, I too am thinking of buying a LHD French Registered car in the UK and bringing it back - did this work for you?
Thanks in anticipation of your reply. Wendy