French situation as at 19/20 August and into November

The evidence regarding hydroxychloroquine is not inconclusive. It is in fact very conclusive as it has been clearly demonstrated to be ineffective in the treatment of COVID-19.

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Their letter raises interesting points but then loses all credibility with claims that wearing masks leads to “Oxygen deficiency (headache, nausea, fatigue, loss of concentration) occurs fairly quickly, an effect similar to altitude sickness.” Which is utter bollox & I say this as someone who wears a mask all day long at work.

There are valid points to be made about the overreaction of governments & the cure being worse than the disease for an illness that is dangerous to only a very small proportion of the population. Unfortunately that side of the discussion is not heard when the argument is hijacked by nut jobs like David Icke & these Belgian doctors lose all credibility by quoting such tosh.

I did say “as far as I have read”, so I guess I didn’t get to the conclusive study.

It was very widely publicised in the press & other media back in June but as you obviously missed it here is a link No clinical benefit from use of hydroxychloroquine in hospitalised patients with COVID-19 | University of Oxford

Do you read every single press report published every day? I don’t, which is why I qualified my statement to be sure I wasn’t writing a misleading comment.

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But only one epidemiologist (an anonymous Australian).


Be fair psychiatrists and gynaecologists know a lot about pandemics


+18.7k today :frowning:

Yes and 9.1% now!
Un triste record. D’aprĂšs les derniers chiffres publiĂ©s ce mercredi soir, quelque 18 746 nouveaux cas de contamination au [Covid-19]ont Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ©s ces derniĂšres 24 heures. Rappelons que le prĂ©cĂ©dent « record » avait Ă©tĂ© atteint samedi dernier avec 16 972 cas.

Ces derniĂšres 24 heures, 80 malades ont succombĂ© au Covid-19, portant le bilan total Ă  32 445 le nombre de victimes du coronavirus en France dont 26 660 Ă  l’hĂŽpital. Le taux de positivitĂ© des tests atteint dĂ©sormais 9,1 % contre 9 % mardi.

There is talk of further restrictions from Monday

Any additional restrictions should be local to the ‘hotspots’ not countrywide.

That doesn’t seem to be working all that well in the UK

Eventually everywhere will be a hot spot ( UK) I f you live in an area with restrictions but just down the road isn’t,of course some people will go there, if they are an asymptomatic carrier C19 goes with them I think there should be more enforcement

Bring out the troops and shoot people on sight or require them to wear a «cow bell» perhaps shouting «unclean! unclean!» :slightly_smiling_face: :mask:

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Something has got to be done, although shooting is a bit much ,I was thinking more taser

Oh no - stoning, stocks, pillory. Much better


or a ducking stool
 if they emerge still breathing they’re obviously infested :rofl: :crazy_face:
if they drown, well - tough!


All joking apart,something needs to be done.

headless chickens @Eddie
Seems that Doris’ plan to close pubs in the North is set for failure in the HoC as Tory MPs seem set to rebel

That was probably one of the better ideas( pubs closing) I think some are putting money above lives