Fritillaries - floodplains?

I wonder if anyone here has had any experience of growing fritillaries on a flood plain?

We have a field that we have rewilded that slopes and at the bottom of the slope gets very wet over winter. (I’ve just splashed back through it from walking the dog.) Snakes head fritillaries seem to thrive on floodplains and I wondered if anyone has come across them or had success in growing them? Also, is it only snakes heads that cope with the wet, or do other types? I’d be grateful for any suggestions, thanks.

We have orange William Rex friillaries that do well in wet bog land as do Meadowsweet and Swamp Sunflower (Helianthus Augustiflorius), some of our ground is almost swamp so if the grow there they will grow anywhere.

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Great, thanks Griffin. I was hoping someone would say that because I know I can get these big fritillaries from our local garden centre and also their heads are so dramatic they will show among the weeds that we just let do their own thing.

The good thing with all three is they are quite tall so you see them above everything else and if they get out of hand they don’t mind getting chopped with a mower or strimmer.
We have fresh water springs pop up from time to time at the rear of the property between us and the river so you can have pasture for a few years and bog ground for another, the rear 1 1/2 acres gets left to its own devices at the moment as it’s that wet just now, your talking about wellies time wet.

We are too. There is a stream running from our field across our neighbour’s down to the brook in the bottom of the valley. All the surrounding ditches are full. Just lovely. We haven’t seen this for a year or three.

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