From the BBC website tonight - no need to panic

Well I have made an appointment to get a TDS. I have been here over fifteen years but am no longer willing to take any risks. I’d rather get it over with now and in the event that it is not needed for a year or so at least I shall have one (hopefully) and renewal should be a formality. (Yes, ha ha I know). Also although free of charge now it will cost about 270 euros after March 29, 2019 so it seems logical.
My appointment is at Vannes (56). I have downloaded details of all the documents that are required and it seems a little more simple than I had feared. It seems I need five items in section 1 and two in section 2.
I would appreciate confirmation from anyone that has been through the process and I have two specific questions.
Most of the papers are French derivatives but my birth certificate is not. Do I need to get it translated by a court approved translator. We had it done for our marriage but that will be out of date now(2004).
Secondly…a medical certificate from the 'OFII (Office Francaise de l’immigration et integration). What is that all about please?

I don’t like to be the bearer of bad news, but Brits will need a CdS whether there is a deal or not. It’s simply a matter of “when”, ie will there be a transition period or not.
If your social set included say an Indian couple who’d been living in France for 20 years or so, would your friends be equally horrified at the notion that this couple needed to have a valid CdS at all times? Or does your social set not include non EU citizens?

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Our dossiers were accepted without any requirement to produce a birth certificate or a medical certificate.

My wife, being an African native child at birth, in pre-independence Northern Rodhesia, was not deemed worthy of official recognition by His Imperial Majesty’s Ministry of Colonial Affairs. Being a black child, she was not a person, merely a chattel. So no record of her birth was ever made,and none can ever be produced. Neither did her mother or father have such records, nor was their marriage certified. The shameful legacy of imperialism.

This is one of several reasons I feel contempt for the institution of monarchy. At least republican France kept better records of those born in the Patrie.


Thanks for the input Peter and I share your sentiments.
Nonetheless they do specify a birth certificate therefore my question stands.

Damian… where do they specify birth certificate? am I looking at the wrong section … this is European in France seeking Carte de Sejour Permanente…

After 15 years… as I understand it

  • Votre carte d’identité ou passeport en cours de validité

  • Indication relative à votre domicile : apportée par tout moyen

  • 3 photos d’identité

  • Justificatifs de la continuité de votre séjour pendant 5 ans en France : 1 document par semestre (quittances de loyer ou de charges, factures, etc.)

  • Justificatifs sur les 5 années précédentes de votre droit au séjour en France (bulletins de pension, relevés de comptes bancaires, etc.)

not even sure they can ask for proof of income after 10 years… but am prepared to do so…

Try applying in Macon Stella.

Applying for which category Jane… ??

Have you had problems…??

Hi Stella,

This is the link for a ‘Titre de sejour’ which I believe is one up on a CDS in that it confirms a ‘right’ of stay rather than just a ‘permission’ to stay. Others say they are the same so I am confused. Anyway it does specify ‘Extrait d’acte de naissance’.

I think that it’s very unlikely that charges will come into force as soon as March 2019. The backlog of people who have already applied for a CdS won’t be cleared until long after then.

We have put in our application over two weeks ago, but have heard nothing as yet, which we don’t believe to be unusual.
There is no system of receipting applications, which is a bit disconcerting.
In Macon you definitely need a birth certificate.
We were given a list of documents to provide.
It was not an official French government one, but my experience of fonctionnaires in Saone-et -Loire is that they are a law unto themselves.

Hi Damian…

Yes, Damian… that form is for Resident… where you have to provide a great deal of detail…

I shall be going for C d Séjour with guaranteed rights to stay… which will replace my Passport as piece of identity in France… this is given for free…

If I need to, I can go the whole route…for French Nationality… along with the 3 million birth/marriage and death certs for my family, that I have accumulated… but that is a costly affair which I would prefer not to have to do…

After 10 years of legal/proper stay in France… the right to remain is set in stone… unless you break the Law, then all bets are off (fair enough)

Well I shall probably go armed with more than I need and discuss with the Prefecture. I just checked back on my rdv confirmation e-mail and it does not specify either CDS or TDS.

I am not sure however whether to make efforts to get this l’OFII approved medical or not? At this stage anyway I think not whatever carte I end up applying for.

As stated previously I have been here for over fifteen years so this is hopefully belt and braces territory.

Much better to have too much, than not enough :relaxed: be interesting to hear how you get on.

Forgive my ignorance but what is a TdS and should I be concerned?
We have an appointment fixed at our Prefecture in December for what I believe is a CdS.

I think words are wandering and confusing almost all of us…

Titre de Séjour
Carte de Séjour

After your visit in December… you will be able to tell us what on earth is going on :relaxed::relaxed::relaxed:

This is what we shall (perhaps) be needing…under the Inactif-Retraité section :relaxed:

Thanks stella.
As the CdS is only valid for 10 years and is in respect of a citizen European, it will be interesting to be aware of what will happen after the 10 years or before if the holder is no longer such…

According to the Gov Website… you apply for renewal 2 months before the carte expires… so, in theory… there should be no problem at all… :relaxed:

how can you apply for something to which you (by then) have no entitlement as you will no longer be a citizen of Europe?

We can go round and around the “what if’s” and “how come’s”… but, on the face of it… I do not think there will be any problem. However I am labelled… I have the right to remain in France… :relaxed: