From Waggs to Richies

As others have said, the problem here isn’t so much the shenanigans in which he was involved, it was the rapidity and ease with which he offered up information that could be used to harm others in order to save his own skin.

That, to me, is what makes his behaviour reprehensible.


So true.

Completely agree.

Security Vetting is quite interesting, you can indulge in all sorts of behaviours so long as you declare it and therefore can’t be compromised by it. In any event, I don’t think MPs are vetted.

As they are elected I don’t think they can be - at least not “ordinary” MPS, and real secrets are not discussed in the house as the transcripts of all sessions are in the public domain via Hansard.

However, the situation might be different for ministers (of any rank) and other government posts.

Nope, the same logic applies. For some reason they’re trusted :wink:

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I think they all have to be trusted (at least as far as the security services are prepared to admit), because the alternative would be anti-democratic.

Wow, I didn’t know about MPs not needing to be vetted.

Back when I still lived and worked in Blighty, I used to have SC. I kept putting off getting DV because I really didn’t fancy going through the vetting process. Not that I expect anything I’ve gotten up to is any worse than any of my colleagues who did have DV… I just really didn’t want to be sat there discussing it with a stranger.

Funnily enough I was in exactly the same situation.

Possibly another reason why democracy is a bad idea. :wink:


People I’ve spoken to have said that the worst part was realising how vanilla their life actually was. :joy:


When I was a software trainer, I had to be vetted by the Security Services in order to be allowed to go and teach PowerPoint to some MOD types at an RAF base in Wales. None of them would tell me what their jobs were. :smiley:

I don’t know how in-depth the vetting was, probably fairly superficial.

Then I think I had another run through the system when I applied for the US Global Entry fast-track immigration thing.

Trusted? Midweek humour?

He’s resigned the whip.

Not stepped down though :rage:

Not only a cowardly creep, but also a masochist?

You know the old joke?

Masochist: Hurt me

Sadist: No.


Meant to post this photo earlier, it’s one from an obviously professionally commissioned series where he’s surrounded by copies of Hansard(? )


But just look at the pose -Napoleon complex? - not simply a prat, but a prat in addition to all his other shortcomings.


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Ah, never thought of that obvious explanation - so he’s actually an OK guy (so to speak).

Broken braces?

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