From Waggs to Richies

He and his like are disgusting.

I presume you mean Tory politicians? :thinking:

They’re also naive, pathetic and stupid (though not necessarily in that order)

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Frankly, I am finding it hard to understand how this has happened.

For at least a century, British public servants, dips, MPs and all, have been warned to be on their guard against honeytraps. Very popular with the KGB.

Surely, with all the political negative rhetoric flowing between powers, there must have been a memo / email / notification to be circumspect regarding anyone new trying to be intimately friendly.

Truly, these idiots beggar belief!

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Calm down. He has apologised.

Which is cringing but worthless, he should resign. Making a fool of himself is one thing but doing the dirty on others is unforgivable,

Too much Whatsapping going on, and so called social media in general :roll_eyes:


I don’t care about how cringing his apology was, he should do the honourable thing and resign immediately.


He’s resigned as vice chairman of the 1922 cttee.

Big, fat, hairy deal - he should step down as an MP :rage:

Edit: I put deputy chairman but I see he was actually vice chairman - how ironic given that he is amply qualified to be the chairman of vice.

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People. I was being facetiously sarcastic or sarcasticly facetious, I’m never sure which. Yes he’s sorry. Sorry he got caught. He should be out of a job. So should someone in the security services, because they either didn’t know about his dirty little secrets or did and said nothing for whatever sinister motive and the logical conclusion from that is that his political masters knew too.

Heads on spikes mounted above Traitor’s Gate needs to be a thing again, though you might need to use Tower Bridge given how many heads should be on spikes in London right now.

I’m curious about which “dirty little secret” you have in mind? It’s no longer a criminal offence to be gay, nor to be on gay hookup websites. His only sin was lack of judgement when he was obviously being exploited for information.

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Sending explicit pictures of yourself to either sex is something no normal person does and if you do I’m sure you keep it “a dirty little secret”.

It’s interesting - it happens so often I am inclined to almost think it is part of the normal behaviour of a certain type of male (it’s never women, is it?)

I think we need to be clear, though, that neither being homosexual, nor picking up dates on Grindr is inherently “immoral”, “obscene”, “illegal”, “dirty” or any other insult the RW like to throw at the LGBTQ+ population. Nor is sending dick pics if the recipient actually wants them (might contravene some telecoms regs though).

It is only Wragg’s reaction to having been sucked into a honey-trap which is the problem here - it is a huge problem admittedly, but lets make sure we keep the two things separate.


I wouldn’t dare to try to define normal, and what a normal person might do, though I will agree that it’s not something that I’d want to discuss over dinner.


This is the crux. Dick pics may be cringy and cast doubt on him as a representative in public office, not that it is a unique cringe club. However, giving out contact details of colleagues to a complete stranger, one with unknown but clearly nefarious intentions, really does call for judgement.

Those colleagues have families. Putting others in harm’s way by opening access to goodness knows who in this age of terrorism and power games is quite a different level of stupid. And doing it in order to protect the career of Me, is alarmingly self-centred.

The moment this MP found that he was being blackmailed he should have taken himself off to one of several authorities. Apologised to them for being cringy but protected his colleagues, and the House, from further harm

This would have been the honourable thing to do.

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It’s an interesting situation. Sending dick-pics and behaving dishonourably may be proof that he’s actually genuinely representing a significant portion of his electorate. Whether he should remain as an MP is another matter. I am encouraged that he didn’t stay quiet and continue denial until irrefutable evidence of his stupidity appeared, so in that respect he may well be more honourable than many others, both MPs and ordinary members of the public.

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Absolutely not a problem for me but it was for him, which makes him a security risk.
Just as a heterosexual extra marital affair would.

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More accurately, potentially could.

You’d think - it seems de rigueur these days.