Furniture with / without house?

As per my previous post, we are selling my parents house which is fully furnished (with basic furniture).

Obviously we might get a buyer who wants a second home / would be happy to take it all on.

If not, what do we do with it? Do you get the kind of house clearance companies that you do in England?

One of my parents friends has a key to the house but its obviously not on to expect them to sell on the contents once the house has been sold. We will be back in England.

Alternatively, if anyone is near Rostrenen and in the market for a 2 bed house worth of furniture at some point in the future, please let me know!


If you want any money out of it, your best bet is your local antique/brocante dealer. Auction rooms are not very efficients and are selling mainly to dealers. If you have time, Ebay and Le bon coin are options... Do not expect the moon times are difficult especially for furniture unless it is very first quality.

If you feel generous then as said Steve, go for Emmaus.

There are companies that will clear it for you, alternatively the local Emmaus may clear it and sell on the stuff for charity. Depends on whether you are looking to get any money for the furniture.