Garage door rollup - two unhappy giant springs

A friend has a rollup garage door and someone left a ladder inside against the garage door. When the door was opened, the ladder got tangled etc., and things didn’t end well.

Most of the damage has been resolved but there are two giant springs / coils on the axial at the top and they have unwound and ran other the drive wheels. Not sure there purpose but they look fierce.

If anyone can suggest what to do or if anyone knows of a repair person etc., that would be very helpful

My guess would be that these are torque adjuster coil springs. I’m not sure whether in their current state they are reusable, but my guess would be probably not. You can buy replacements online, e.g. here

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Mainly counter balance springs to support the weight of the door, allows the door to be staitionary mid way through its movement

That was my thought too - they look somewhat past their spring-by date so I would imagine replacements are in order…

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Thanks for the quick response everyone… well impressed.

Thanks RicePudding, that link looks good. Fitting a replacement looks straight forward, getting the old ones off maybe a challenge !

I’ll be going back to his garage later this month for measuring etc and update the result

thanks again.

Famous last words.

Be very, very careful, those springs are properly lethal.

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Wise words, my friend.

But the ones photographed seem to have “sprung” and don’t have tension?

Its been donkeys since I last fitted door springs but I believe I used a rachet tie down strap over the top pin to stretch the springs into place because they can bite!

I was thinking more about the ones that will be “straightforward” to replace.

Been there, done that :thinking:

Maybe there are some bargains to be had in a Spring Sale?

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Over 25 years our double garage door has needed both springs replaced at different times. Metal fatigue or age was the cause. They both fractured during operation and they made a loud frightening bang.
We had Professionals replace them.