Gaza Peace Plan

Now ruled out by Netanyahu who says he only wants “total victory”.

What an arse.


At least he’s honest about that.

Details of Netanyahu’s response here:

I suspect that the Israeli genocide would continue even if Hamas were to release all hostages.


Netanyahu and others has vowed to destroy Hamas, and there’s only one sure way to do that.

Nuke the entire Middle East, they are everywhere, he really is delusional.

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So sad…

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Thread title is an oxymoron :disappointed:


TBH if Israel ever had a moral high ground, this confirms they lost it.

Yes, I followed the story from the beginning and then R4 broadcast her call for help last week on the World@One or PM. The IDF is no better then the Waffen SS.

Fully agree.
Perhaps I should have named it “Netanyahu’s Genocide Plan”.

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