Getting neighbouring land cleared and maintained

How do I get my neighbour, a nasty piece of work, to clear his land, get rid of the almost two metre high weeds and the chardons (thistles)?
The commune sends him letters, I went to the gendarme and there was some movement but it is as bad as ever again. My relationship with the owner is more than frosty, tstl!
The mayor claims to have no enforcement powers.
Ideas and advice most welcome, svp.
Thanks in advance.

perhaps it need another visit to the Gendarmes…

At the moment, with secheresse… it might a problem if machinery is necessary, on the other hand… dry weeds can be a fire hazard…

Have a word along those lines perhaps… at the Mairie first of all… and if no help… then I really would speak with the enforcement folk… :wink:

we have a similar situation I know of… in our commune… I’ll check tonight for you… my Mairie friends are used to my questions…

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How large is the offending area?

Have you seen this advice?

A visit to the pompiers perhaps?

Size is maybe 800 sqm.

Pompiers is a good idea, hadnt thought of that one. Thank you

I guess that would be easily cleared in a day, maybe even half a day? Is it worth offering to pay for someone to come in for a spot of débroussaillage? Even if he says no it strengthens your argument that he’s being unreasonable.

Underneath the weeds are piles of metal, dead tree rubbish, builders materials, bottles, largely sorted into piles but hidden by the proliferation of weeds.

sounds a bit dodgy for anyone not authorized to handle the clearing…

talk with Maire and gendarmes… as I’ve said…

EDIT: I’ve spoken with a pal from our Mairie… seems our local problem will be solved soon, with the Owner paying a local enterprise to clear the land. Said enterprise has a siret/insurance to cover this sort of thing… so in this particular case… all it took was an “official phone call”… (fingers-crossed)… but not holding my breath… :wink:

I’m sure the neighbours will be delighted and breathe a sigh of relief once it is done…

Not easy, rows with neighbours are always difficult. I hope or works out.

I can’t add much to what the others have said but do keep nagging. Good luck!