Getting to your potager

I’ve read a few pieces about people assuming they’re unable to access vegetable gardens that are not attched to their house, but the link below seems to indicate it’s legit.

OTH we have a small wood, mainly of silver birch, at the top of a 400m cliff on the opposite bank of the Lot that I haven’t been to since autumn 2012 because it can only be accessed by climbing up from the riverbank. Can see it from the garden and it looks prettier every year, but it’s difficult to get to and I don’t really know what I’d do once I got there. Am very open to suggestions…

Install a caged pully lift with a counter balanced system then crop the wood for fuel. If you’re not up to doing it yourself, Ask any climbing club in the area if they’d be interested giving you a hand for training purposes. A BBQ at lunchtime (no alcohol) and a few beers at the end of the day.

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Thanks, an interesting suggestion, but there’s also the problem of the Lot Valley railway line (and a lack of climbers - it’s the Aveyron, not the Alps). My ideal imagined solution would be a zip wire to take the tree trunks down to the far side of the tracks and the then carry them to a trailer. OTH it’s only silver birch, so probably not worth the effort, plenty of cheap, but well-aged chataigne around here.

The advice is not wholly reassuring because it seems only to sanction by la récolte de fruits et légumes dans un jardin, which may be entretien but not the kind of entretien many gardeners will be doing in early April.


Whatever this gardener in an associated photo is doing, it looks more like preparing the earth for sowing by turning it, and removing any saleté into his red bucket. Can’t see any recolte going on there.

My potager is set apart from the house 15 paces from our front door across a busy Departmental road D911, and I’m buggered if I’m going to write out an attestation every time I cross the street to tend the chickens, check to see if the washing is dry, mow the grass, do a bit of weeding, or fetch in firewood.

Am I being unnecessarily awkward?

Well @Peter_Goble the local Gendarme probably already know you too well as a difficult old codger so will likely steer well clear :rofl:
They’ll probably just be grateful you’re not wobbling across the road on your ancient bike…