Glyphosate: Free Urine Tests in Charente

If you want to go…

What a waste of public money.

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What makes you say that, Jane ?

Because all the so called problems have been in the USA.
Uk farmers have been using glyphosate for years and not a peep.
I think that anyone who has developed cancer and gone to court in the USA is looking for a payout.

There are already cases in Dijon, where glyphosate has been found in the urine… which is why this is now being offered in Charente-Maritime… and elsewhere will follow…

Seems folk want to find out just how widespread the situation is.

Happily, the EU has taken a stand against glyphosate officially. The US is in denial about the health risks because of the powerful industry lobby and the repression of any independent research results.

I’m no expert on water tables. But France seems to rely on ( to a degree) on some well water, but even if not. There has to be reason why this would be valid.
@jane the UK has been using it for years ??? I think it is against several rules in place.

Weedkillers containing Glyphosate are still widely used in the UK and farmers use them here.