We are urgently trying to find a good home for a dog who was abandoned on the roadside & took up residence on our door mat! We have taken all the necessary steps to try and located the owner but to no avail.
The dog is a wire haired terrier - the softerst and most loving animal we have ever known! He is fully house trained and an absolute delight to be around.
Unfortunately work & home circumstances mean that we are unable to adopt the dog permanently and are desperate to find him a good home.
The vet has given him a full check and clean bill of health. He estimates the age to be 4 or 5 years old.
If you are looking for a companion or family pet or know of anyone who may be able to help then please get in touch.
Many thanks.
Have you housed the dog? I am willing to adopt him. Problem is I live in Tnezay, Deaux Sevres, and do NOT have a car!
Edwin - do post this in the Dogs group (see the social tab) and Pet Rescue - there are some really amazing people on SFN who will go out of their way to help. Gina who runs the dog group is a fount of doggy rescue know how! x