Gordon Brown states that France will crumble next

Clarkson got it right. Mr Brown has the proud record of taking the UK from the 4th largest economy in the world to the 4th largest in Europe. Regretably he is a political lightweight who has a much higher opinon of the value of his words than his abilities and experience give creedence. Or to put another way an over opionated clown. Sure France like all the richer countries is suffering there is undoubtedly a downturn in the economy but it is still a great place to live.

Gordon Brown: who's he? Didn't he play outside-left for Accrington Stanley in the Thirties? Or was it Dartford Athletic?

We have noticed things have got more expensive but life is still going on without too much trouble. I think Gordon brown is scare mongering!

If Gordon Brown says that France is next, that gives me some hope!!!

All the artisans who worked on our renovation stuck rigidly to the 35 hour week!

From a purely personal point of view, I wouldn't have been able to afford to move to France in 2002 if the exchange rate then was where it is now. And now my pension (calculated in £sterling but paid into my bank in €uros) has started arriving, the more €uros I get per £ the more I like it !

Tina has made a great point. Don't wait for things to happen or change. Get on with your life and if that means a life-style change and a move to France get on with it & make it a success.

More people than ever are looking to retire to France. It won't be easy, there will always be obstacles to overcome, but if that is want you want - go for it.

Peter Elias (Agent Commercial) www.allez-francais.com

Do you think there are many who work 35 hours a week now? I think it is probably more those that work in factories perhaps?

Our boulangere works long hours, our farmer neighbours and my husband works 6-7 days a week, with no proper holiday break since we have lived here.

Yes, look at who is talking...leaders and media of other countries have done the same trying to make people look in a different direction. :) some really well-said responses on this page:)

Since when did anyone pay credence to what Gordon Brown said ? There appears to be more building development around here than ever before - both private and local government. Very few of the French around here appear to use credit cards and even fewer have debit cards- so I believe personal debt is less prevalent in France. This morning i waited whilst the old dear ahead of me at the supermarket checkout took out her cheque book to pay for about 8 Euros worth of meat and veg - this in NOT unusual around here. Cheque books and cash are much preferred around here to any type of plastic card.

I can't believe how irresponsible he is to make the statement. Almost as bad as the Americans not being able to agree on a budget. Ok, maybe that's going too far....

If that is his view then France is pretty safe!

I agree with Tina!

Thanks Tina. It's been a good move overall for us but now that we're starting a family, guess I'm a little concerned about how the austerity measures may affect us. And coming from overworked US, I'm still surprised about the general 35 hour work week here. Wonder if that will change - think I heard that France already has one day where everyone works without pay in order to help pay for the elderly and now they want to impose another "work for no pay" day to help the economy.

Gordon Brown, Gordon Brown..... Mhhh, wasn't that the guy that ran the UK straight into the ground, despite his supposed in-depth knowledge of macro-economics?

Besides the long-overdue austerity measures and slowly rising unemployment figures I've seen no signs of an looming bankruptcy of France. To me it's all a psychological warfare and financial interests of some. For example, before the EU it wasn't a problem that countries like Spain had to pay interest of 13% and more on their debts. And now we're in a situation where S&P or Moody's fart and the whole financial markets are going haywire.

Well said Tina! I totally agree!

I'm a frequent vistor to the UK since 4 years, despite being based in France for 41.

One thing seems certain, The UK's actuel government , after claiming the "Inheritance from the last government" as the cause for all their ills, are changing their tune to "It's all the fault of europe" ....History tells us the worries of "It's all the fault of " Politics - and 11.11 is a good day to remember it !

No-one in the UK seems to realise that the £ was low @ 10F in december 1999 - that would have been @1.59 !

Not worth that today !

Life in France is as hard as it's ever been with the current Administration, Sarkosy's "Travailler plus pour gagner plus" seems to have exploded in his face ( apart from for him , with his 300% pay hike !), and the total defecit has gone up, despite a unpleasant politique claimed to bring it down !

I think Gordon Brown is just trying to shake his feathers dry from the incredible cold shower he got !

Possibly there will be hard times ahead for everybody, untill we all learn to create and produce again, and tether the unbridled greed of the financial service industry, that's been financing it's incompetence and losses from poor hard working people's pockets for quite some time.

Most of the people using this web-site probably do not have the Franchise for the next electoral combat, but it will be more than interesting to see how it works out !

If I were a French national myself, I would be standing in the Presidentiels on a Direct Democracy ticket !

PS. - I love the Photo in the Telgraph article !

Well said, Tina - thank you :-)

Considering that Gordon Brown brought the UK to it's knees, I consider that anything that comes out of his mouth to be absolute rubbish. France is not as daft as the UK make out.

Tina you have got it right...

Take not everyone of Tina's words.