Happy Burns Night!

I don’t know if we have any Scots on here (I’m guessing we probably do) - if so have a good Burns Night tonight!

I once knew a Scotsman called Burns - he was very clever, had a BA, an MA and a PhD.

They called him “third degree Burns”… :grin:


Waves :wave:

I only have a tinned haggis for tonight but the embassy Burns Supper is next week and I’m invited :grinning:


Will you have ferrero rocher for afters :grin:

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I was born in England to Scottish parents on St Patricks day and I share my time living between Wales and France. I think I am qualified to celebrate anything that is going, particularly as my surname is Burns.
Incidentally my brother went to a local Supermarket in Wales to get a haggis and it had on the label, eat by the 23rd of January. Beggars belief.
Anyway I shall be having a dram or two tonight. :tumbler_glass: :tumbler_glass: :tumbler_glass:


I have (alas because I LOVE haggis) no great chieftain o’ the puddin race for supper but I’ll console myself with the fact that my face is honest and sonsie :joy:


They’re usually very good do’s you’ll enjoy yourselves. :scotland:🥃

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Yes, and it’s quite a venue.

Somehow, for reason’s I still don’t really understand, we’re celebrating Burn’s night here. looks like a good night and I haven’t had haggis in years. :slightly_smiling_face:


They’re not really sure what to make of us. My English accent, my wife’s Irish accent and our car’s French reg. :slightly_smiling_face:

For those interested it would appear we’re just beside some harbour that features in Game of Thrones, whatever that is🤔

Poor little haggis! :face_with_peeking_eye:

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We spent a crackin evening at friends Burns night dinner.
Smuggled chieftain and neeps/tatties followed a cock a leekie, dessert was a cranachan and cheese.
Copius drams, speeches and a rendition of auld lang syne.
Grand evening! We dug out the family tartan sash for me, bowtie for OH… guests dressed up in full kilt regalia and/or formal evening wear.


The first mention of haggis was in the 14th C - in an English cookbook!!!’
There were a couple of different mentions around then by English authors - the first mention in Scotland was by Burns

I was there last year, if it’s the one with a sort of campsite nearby. Lovely it was.

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Some friends are holding a joint party for the Chinese New Year and Burns Night called ‘Chinese-Burns Night’

I wasn’t keen… but they twisted my arm.


Sweet and sour haggis. Yum. My favourite !!

Scotland’s people are the most highly educated in Europe

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I’d be interested in the evidence for that statement.

I expect it’s based on universities per head of the population and school leaving age etc.
Scotland had twice as many universities as England until the 19th century, not even per head of the population just absolutely.

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Indeed, I recall it being drummed into me as a kid that Scottish education was better than the English, which may or may not be true but I’m struggling to find anything that supports an assertion that we have the most highly educated people in Europe.

I suspect it is just statistics. You could give stats about how hydrated horses are, based on the relative number of horses and troughs but as we know you can take a horse to water but you can’t make it drink.


Chow McMein. :slight_smile: