Has anyone applied for French citizenship recently?

If you scroll up to last august I posted a link to a useful YouTube video on the 100 most likely questions.

But as ever the person should prepare also for questions on current events, so watch the news, listent to Radio and so on. Plus can basically ask anything!
Rather than being asked a standard question on laïcité a friend of ours was asked what she thought about separated swimming pools!

This is my preparation chart (remember to update it tho’!)

Questions pour bien préparer l’entretien de naturalisation - to share.docx.pdf (98.4 KB)


Thanks for that, I’ll send it on, i’m sure he will find it usefull.

My first enquiry 20 odd years ago, just for the forms, morphed into an interview there and then. The lady re-assured me on my French, which I was concerned about, but was over the moon about working locally, petanque club member for 10 years and regular attendance at Sunday The Dansants. I got the impression that it was all about integration, integration, integration.

Big mistake that I didn’t take it further in those easy going days, I baulked at the hundred year old documents I had to find. :roll_eyes:


Me too… it seemed just too much faffle… but, I might yet get around to doing it one of these days … just before I reach 100 myself :roll_eyes: :rofl:

Yes, my trouble is my French comprehension has got worse, possibly due to faulty hearing causing panic, but I have a rdv with a specialist in July, so might offer a difference. You never know, when we get to 100 they might re-introduce the no French rule for winklies. :rofl:


I wonder if anyone knows the latest edition year, for the Livre du Citoyen? How frequently do they put out a new one?

New one in February. Doesn’t change much tho’!! Can download it here


This appears to be the link on which to apply…

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More curiosity, why is the link for isere/gouv - not national? Would there be one for each department?

It appears to be national for all of the metropolitan departments, only some of the DOM-COM don’t have that possibility, according to:

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Thanks - I was thinking it’s done by the prefectures so they might have their own portals - I guess they will link through to a national system / database.

In the Dordogne it was transferred from the prefecture, Perigueux, to the regional capital, Bordeaux.