Has anyone had a gastric bypass?

A member has suggested that it might be a good idea to start a discussion on this subject.

So here goes...

Has anyone had one? Does anyone want one? Has anyone got any information to share on the subject?


Yes, it’s horrid, hubby had his removed, but is still being monitored. Take care, you look terrific.

Yes, I have issues with calcium. The month before my bypass I had the tumour on my parathyroid removed because I had extremely high calcium and parathormone levels. The bypass stops me absorbing calcium efficiently and so it hardly ever shows as a normal level although I take 2g of calcium per day and have a Uvedose Vitamin D once and sometimes twice a month. My parathormone levels are still high but because malabsorption due to the bypass mucks up calcium levels they don't seem to know how to deal with me. I have six monthly kidney scans for stones, and regular blood and urine tests for calcium and other stuff, in fact the nurse came this morning to take blood and remove a large bottle of urine for testing. I see the bypass consultant next week, the kidney consultant the week after and the endocrinologist on a regular basis so they do try to monitor me.

Hi Sandra, if you have parathyroid issues please make sure you are having your calcium levels checked, hubby had a tumour on one last year that nearly killed him because of extremely high calcium levels…these can be very dangerous to your health. Take care

Were you in the UK or France, Cynthia?

I have had problems with my parathyroid glands and currently have a tumour on each of the two left hand ones. They are not being removed and are almost certainly benign. I had a tumour removed from one of the right hand ones the month before my mini gastric bypass.

I had all the tests to see if there was any reason other than overeating. I was sent to a Clinic in Rennes for three weeks for metabolism tests and re-education for nutrition etc. Unlike the UK, before the operation was approved I had to see a lung specialist, cardiologist, gastro chap and have an endoscopy, dietician, psychologist and my GP in addition to the consultant who was prepared to do the bypass. It's a very thorough system here.

Wow, well done you

I had a mini gastric bypass here in Brittany in July 2011. I used to weigh 22st 7.5lbs and halved my weight within 14 months of the operation. My BMI also halved from 56 to 28. For the last 14 months my weight has been stable whatever I eat.

Before the bypass I couldn't walk more than 20 metres and that was with a cane. I couldn't put my own socks on, reach the bottom oven or dishwasher rack, get off the floor without help, turn in bed or breathe properly. At night I had a breathing machine because of sleep apnoea and an oxygen machine as well. I had high blood pressure and took statins for high cholesterol. I was on two asthma inhalers and was frequently prescribed steroids. I had regular injections into my knees and had such bad problems with stairs that a stairlift had to be installed.

I can now walk for 2.5 hours without thinking about it and without a cane. I can put my own socks on and bend and move without problem. I no longer take tablets for cholesterol or blood pressure, no more inhalers or steroids, no knee injections, no sleep machine or oxygen and no need for a stairlift. The bypass has been like a miracle.

It is not an easy option. This is not a gastric band it is a stomach reduction and two metre intestinal bypass. It is a permanent change. I didn't want the operation and my family were not keen on the idea either, but I did want to live and so there was little choice for me. I am so glad that I now have the opportunity to do all those things which I was unable to do having made myself handicapped with my excessive weight. It was all worthwhile.

If anyone else has had a gastric bypass or is thinking about it and wants to talk about it or be supported through it then please do contact me.

Here is an after and a before photo.